Chapter two: The Stupid Jerk and drowning.

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    *Sup second chapter ya! Hope you enjoy or maybe not. Sorry did not edit.Ignore mistakes. Thank you! 

                                                            Cecily's POV

Great, my life sucks right now. I turned around when I walked in and I was so freakin shocked like what was inside,the room smells so horrible,garbage everywhere,desks not in a line,paper on the floor and into rip peices. I was so shocked what kind of school this is. I was standing in front of the door way and a guy does a light push and says " Can you move, please."  I turned around to find an amzing ,gorgues guy behind me. His voice is so sweet and calm and gently in a way. I was staring and then I realize that he told me to move and I kind of panicked in a way and moved aside. "Thanks." His sweet voice flowed to my face when he said it. " Ye..ah pro..blem." Man I'm so nervous of his hair and eyes I can't even talk nor think normally and to think he's in my class too.

Few minutes later I was just lost in thoughts when I hear a loud *thud* sound. That startled me and I blinked a couple of times so I can see what's happening. I saw people yelling and and swearing and fighting in front of the room. One guy threw a desk at a person in front of him. He ducked and made that thud noise. I didn't want to get involved  or get hurt so I started backing away to the door but I seem to stop when I hit someone behind me. "Ow my head hurts already!" The person said,his voice is so familiar I can't put my finger on it. So I turned looked up to find the BIG STUPID JERK! I made a groan sound of his presence and his stupidness. I walked away the other way. But when he lifted his head he found me. He made a disgusted face of my face and I sort of turned pale.

"Shit your here! He said mockingly

 Ok I lost my patients and I got pissed. And you know what happends when I get pissed,do you?

" Well sorry-not to be here and what the fuck are you doing here anyway?" I breathed. "Well, bitch I'm in this class. I should be saying what are you doing in here?" He spatted. Hmm,wow he swears, intresrting. "Well I'm in this class too. And I've been meaning to ask you something." I said,staring straigh into his eyes. He raised and his eyebrow. "Who are you,what's your name anyway if I may ask you?" I said curious. "I'm Austin Tranmer. How about you?" Wow his name did not match his attituide. That's what I should say but not now.

" I'm Cecily Laras." I said firmly. We stared at each other and I broke the staring contest by walking away. Hey remember some dudes were fight well guess what happened next.

As I was walking away I turned around and I chair was about to hit me but I grabbed it and broke it with my fist. I was pissed of Austin right now. I took the anger out on the chair and it broke into peices. I just realized the boys were staring at me and I just face palmed myself. The bell rang.

I got a table by the very end of the class so no one- I mean no boy can harm nor sexual harass me.

Every dude was so loud holding a ball and dribbleing it and talking loudly and using their self phone in class even class just started.

Queit down,Shut up at least! I thought. Turning my head to them.

A group of guys, two guys came up to the teacher and said "Hey teacher. We have a question for you, can we?" 

What are they doing now...? I though too curious so I turned my head to see what their up to.

"Alright. What is it?" The teacher said.

 "This." One guy holding a paper in front of him to show the teacher the question they wanted. "If you can't  finish this within one minute,you're not qualified to be our teacher." He said. Another dude came and said "Please start now." The teacher look confused and frozen in spot in front of the chalkboard. Then this timer went off and people were yelling "Time's out, Get out!" The teacher were furious and yelled "You guys! How dare you treat your teacher this way!" Slaming the desk. Austin was sitting in the front row. He slammed his feet on his desk and said "Get out." The teacher was shocked and took his stuff and kept mumbling dammit to himself and slammed the door.

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