'I backed off. "What are you talking about? You don't know me that well."'

'"Well enough to want to make you my plaything. I never wanted a toy like you so much before." she said and moved to me.'

'Unfortunately she slipped on some papers I had left on the floor and she crashed into me, taking me down with her.'

'I ended up on the floor with her on top of me and our clothes were in kind of a shamble. Now, that wouldn't have been the end of it, if it wasn't for her father wanting to surprise her by visiting as she worked overtime. He had heard she worked late just as he finished his business and felt so proud of her he wanted to see her. And that he did, ripped blouse, pulled up skirt and all over a young man with his shirt pulled out and his hands all over her.'

'Well,' Dusk said. 'I think I can guess the rest.'

Petrash nodded. 'Trying to explain was no use, he didn't want to hear anything and Anashia kept silent. I don't even want to repeat what he said at that moment. Early the next morning I received my transfer to this place.'

'So what does she want by coming here?' Rusty asked.

'I don't know. Maybe getting me out of the company for good by the smallest mistake in the books? I can't think of a better way to keep a lid on the scandal other than keeping me here.'

He sighed and poured himself a drink. 'For once I really feel like getting wasted.' he said and gulped it down.

'Wow. For him to do that it must be bad.' Dice said.

'I'm not one to refuse to help in that regard,' Rusty said and poured him another one and one for herself. 'To the poor schmucks who end up here in frozen hell.'

He clinked her glass, 'Hear hear!' and emptied his again in one gulp.

'Oh well, might as well join in.' said Ghost and poured for all. 'We'll worry about it when the time comes.'

Several rounds later they were singing along to rock music.

'I didn't know you were into this kind of music.' Rusty said to Petrash.

'I love all sorts of music, have a huge collection. That way I always have something to fit my mood.'

'So you play loud all the time too?'

He shook his head. 'Can't do that in an apartment. I could only use headphones, but it's just not the same.'

'Feel free to go crazy here then.'

'Thanks. I will if I'm still here after tomorrow.'

'Only if you're unlucky..' Rusty grinned.

He slumped back. 'I will miss this place, as strange as it sounds.'


'No, really. I feel like I accomplished something here. And I'll miss you girls.'

She looked at him and saw he really meant it. He pulled himself up and staggered to the door. 'I give up. Going to sleep. You girls definitely win with drinking.'

Dusk turned to Rusty. 'He's really worried.'

She nodded. 'He doesn't want to leave.'

'Hell, I don't want him to leave, and neither do any of you.' said Dice.

'So what do we do?'

'We can't do anything without knowing what she's up to.' Ghost said. 'We can only wait for her to make a move.'

The girls saw he was deep in thought while fixing breakfast. Rusty stroked his ear and it startled him.

'Gomen, didn't mean to surprise you.'

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