Chapter 2

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Petrash woke up early and because the scene from yesterday kept going through his mind he eventually got up and started making breakfast. He had barely finished setting up the table when the girls walked in.

'Morning. I hope you slept well.' he said, then saw Rusty and blushed.

She turned away quickly and sat down trying not to look at him. Ghost noticed and leaned closer as she sat down.

'Did something else happen yesterday in the bath as well?' she whispered smiling deviously.

Rusty grabbed a couple of eggs and hastily peeled them. 'No, nothing!'

'So,' Dice said pulling off his bandanna. 'we heard something interesting about you..'

He flattened his ears. 'Say all you want. I've heard enough bad jokes about these all my life.'

She stroked one ear. 'Oh, we'll find new ways to tease you.'


'So you might as well let your tail out. No use hiding it from us anymore.' Dusk said with a devious smile and smacked his ass.

'Go eat breakfast!' he said and walked into the kitchen.

The girls ate and afterwards got ready for their deliveries. Their job was delivering cargo to various scientific stations deeper into the snow ring where no air transport could go. For that they drove large tracked vehicles capable of driving large distances thanks to hydrogen generators fuelled by the snow itself.

He watched them leave and walked into the office where he found a mess of papers and binders on the wooden desk and metal shelves.

'How the hell..?'

Again he sighed, turned on the desk light and PC and sat down on the worn out chair to make sense of it all. He ordered supplies and food first, checked the mail and tried to first sort all paperwork by date. By the time he managed to make some sense of it it became time to make dinner. Just before leaving the office he received a mail telling him to deliver all due reports in a couple of days or face budget cuts.

"I can make it if I work late." he thought. "No need to really get worried."

One by one the girls came back and ate dinner. When he finished cleaning up he went back into the office and started on the reports. After a while Ghost walked in.


He nodded. "I have to file these reports soon. Lots of papers to go through.'

'Ah, work hard then.' she said and left.


'I've got the next thing.' Ghost said as she undressed and crawled into bed. 'He needs to file the reports soon. Which will be difficult if they disappear.'

The other girls snickered. 'We won't have to deal with him for long.' Dusk said.

The next day he started filling in the reports as soon as the girls left and he managed to get most ready before they came back.

'How's it going?' Ghost asked.

He smiled a little. 'I can finish tonight, then double-check and send them tomorrow. Just in time.'

'Good job then.' She said smiling. 'They'll be happy with those.'

He nodded and carried on serving dinner.

Late that night he stretched after writing the last report and slumped on his chair. 'Finished.' he said to himself, made a backup copy to the external disk attached to the PC, then locked it and dragged himself to bed.

Huskies from Hellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن