Chapter 4

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A couple of days later Petrash called out to Ghost who just passed by the office. She saw him scribbling on the list of deliveries and the calendar on the pin-board.

'What's up?' she asked.

'Well, we got a priority delivery to make, a new truck and supplies for Tarrok station, but no two people to take it there.'

She walked up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his left shoulder. 'Tarrok, hmm?'

He felt his heart beating faster with the warmth of her embrace but tried to remain cool. 'Yeah, Dusk is assisting Gambi station with their trip to their temporary station up north and Rusty and Dice are on a big delivery to T494. So, there's only you left and I can't let you go alone on a 3 day drive there.'

She hummed in agreement.

'The only way we can do it is if I go with you.'

Her silence made him a little nervous.

'Okay then.' she said eventually

'Really? No protesting about it being me?'

'Nope. Not much choice really.'

He felt relieved.

'I didn't know that would make you so happy.'

'Huh? What makes you think that?'

She let him go while whispering in his ear 'Your tail is wagging like crazy.'.

He looked back at his wagging tail as she giggled on her way out the door.

The new truck came the same day with their cargo. The driver reported no problems so all they had to do was fill it up again, and soon after Ghost and Petrash were under way after notifying Tarrok station.

'Good thing Dusk took Dawn with her.' he said. 'I'd hate to leave her alone.'

Ghost nodded.

Depending on the weather it would take two to three days to reach the station, there they would unload the truck and be driven back to Zero by the local people who would pick up more supplies and tools.

Petrash felt a little nervous about the first long trip he'd be on out here. To take his mind off things he took out one of the books from the bag behind him and started reading, occasionally checking the clock and the view outside.

When it became lunchtime he took out the food and drinks. 'Shall I drive for a while so you can eat?'

'You think you can?'

'I've been getting lessons from Dice.'

She stopped the truck. 'Alright then, take the wheel.'

She moved into the back of the cabin so he could get behind the wheel. Looking at the dashboard to find all the right dials he quickly became familiar with it.

'Here we go.' he said and drove off.

'But your ass is mine if you make me spill my lunch.'

'Tempting offer.'

She almost snorted out her drink. 'You would like that, you pervert?' she said wiping her nose.

He snickered. 'Gomen, I couldn't resist.'

'You just keep driving until I've thought of how to make that ass suffer for the rest of the trip.'

'Now don't go making me nervous, or I might make a mistake driving,'

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