He sighed. 'I know. I'll just have to live on my memories, hehe.'

Still feeling tired he fell asleep again until Rusty woke him up just in time for dinner.

'I'm not good in the kitchen so I need your help.' she said feeling embarrassed.

'No worries,' he said as he sat up and ruffled his hair to clear up his mind. 'Sleeping next to you has done wonders.'

'Glad to help.' she said and pulled him up into the kitchen. 'Now you do wonders.'

Later that evening after Petrash had gone to bed early Ghost sat down next to Rusty.

'You too, eh?'

Rusty flipped mindlessly through the box with movie disks. 'What?'

'This time I can smell his scent on you.'

She stopped going through the selection. 'Yeah. I can see why you gave into him.'

Ghost sighed and leaned her head back on the couch, looking at the ceiling. 'Looks like things are going to be a whole lot different from now on here.'

Since Dawn usually joins Dusk on her trips she demands extra attention from Petrash when they're back at Zero. One of the things she enjoys most is being groomed by him and today is no exception.

She occupied as much of his lap as she could while he carefully brushed her fur. Dusk sat opposite on the other couch eating cookies.

'Something on your mind?' he asked.

'Hmm, why?'

'Well, you've been silent the whole time, just eating cookies and watching Dawn.'

'It's nothing.'

He grinned. 'Are you jealous of the treatment she gets?'

'What!? No way!'

He laughed a little. 'I've been wondering if I'd ever get to groom both Dawn and you at the same time.' He started brushing Dawn's tail. 'Your fur matches so well it would be like taking care of the family.'

That reminded her once more of his remark about Dawn being their daughter and she felt hot. She saw how gentle he ran his fingers after the brush along Dawn's back she started imagining how it would feel on hers.

After a while her curiosity got the best of her and she let out a resigned sigh. 'Alright, I'll let you groom me too.'

'Just in time as I'm finished with Dawn.'

Dawn wagged her tail happily and licked his face as he laughed. 'That tickles! Stop it, I know you love it.'

He managed to move her aside and looked at Dusk. 'Just don't be like that if I do a good job.'

She huffed and hit his head with her fists while he laughed. 'Just kidding! Just kidding!'

She turned around with her arms folded.

'Gomen. I'll behave.' he sat back up and spread his legs patting the couch in between. 'If you sit here I can start brushing your back.'

'Promise? I'll bite you if you don't.'

'I promise.'

She took off her shirt and he felt a strong heartbeat pound his chest. She sat down carefully and he moved her hair to the front over her shoulder. 'Starting on the back first.' he said and stroked the brush slowly and carefully from her neck down her spine.

She felt a tingle going down it and shivered once.

'You okay? Did something hurt?' he asked worried.

Huskies from HellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora