A few minutes after he left Ghost walked in, unlocked the PC, deleted his reports and backup along with other random files, then pulled the power plug.

'Whoopsie.' she whispered while plugging the power back in. 'Power failures happen.'

The next day they heard him cursing.

'What's wrong?' Ghost asked innocently walking into the office.

'The damned PC must have lost power last night. And it took all my reports with it, even the backup I made! Shit!'

She looked worried at the screen. 'Really nothing left?'

'All gone. All my work for nothing!'

'Well, I'm sure if you explained to HQ they'll understand.' she said and patted him on his shoulder.

'Yeah.' he said but knew there was no excuse they'd accept.

He couldn't start again until the end of the day after checking the supplies and equipment stored for shipping so he had to work all night.

The girls noticed he hurried with dinner and snickered at his worry.

'Worried about his reports, eh?' Dice said.

'Must be tough as a desk jockey, not delivering reports in time.' Dusk said.

'Getting chewed out by the boss is no fun, hehe.' Rusty said.

Ghost nodded. 'He'll be gone soon.'

He was busy at the office when the girls went to bed and they snickered. Later that night Ghost woke up and had to go to the bathroom. When she returned she noticed the light was still on in the office. Curious she looked in and saw him still going through binders and filling out forms.

'Hey, it's late. Shouldn't you get some sleep?'

He shook his head, barely able to keep his eyes open. 'Have to finish these.'

'Aw, that can wait until later.'

'Actually, not.' he said flipping through pages quickly.

'Why not? So you get chewed out, big deal.'

'If only that...'

She tilted her head. 'Worse?'

He nodded.

'How worse?'

'Nothing to worry your pretty head over.'

She slapped his shoulder. 'Tell me.'

He sighed and put down the binder. 'Okay, I didn't want to worry you because I knew I could have finished in time yesterday. If I don't hand in the reports before two hundred tomorrow they'll cut our budget. And that includes your pay.'


'No funds until they are convinced we're doing good here.'

'They can't do that!'

'I'm afraid they can, and they will after all this time of no management here.'

'But then, is there enough time?'

He sagged his shoulders. 'Probably not, but I'm going to try anyway.' He grinned. 'At least I got everything sorted at date now.'

"Shit, this wasn't supposed to happen." she thought and looked around at the chaos. 'Can I help?'

'Well, if you can gather the paperwork for each month I need it would help.'

She nodded and they continued where he left off.

Huskies from HellWhere stories live. Discover now