It didn't take long for him to feel lonely out in the white void. With the navigation the only thing guiding him and the only sounds the wind and rattling of the tracks he wondered if he'd start to go crazy even before he would reach the outpost.

"How the hell did I get into this mess?" he thought, then remembered. "Oh yeah."

He sighed, crawled into the back and checked the rations. He chose a pack of cookies and took one of the unlabelled bottles with clear fluid.

'To a new career.' he said to himself, unscrewed the top and took a swig from the bottle.

"Holy fuck!" he thought when the liquid burned down his throat and coughed. "I just drank the cleaning fluid or the fuel reserve." He rummaged in his bag and took out his player, plugged it into the sound system of the bubble and cranked up the music to sing along to it.

He kept himself busy like this while it turned dark. The navigation showed it would be another hour until he arrived and he couldn't wait to see something else besides nothing. While eating another cookie he noticed something was off. He turned down the music and tried to listen. He heard the engine and tracks of the bubble and howling of the wind but couldn't lay his finger on it. Something in the back of his mind said he had to take notice. He looked around but saw nothing out here. Thinking it had to be all this time out here playing tricks on him he sat back down in the driver's seat. But moments later he sensed a rumbling noise getting louder. Figuring something was wrong he stopped the bubble completely. Looking around again he saw nothing in the dark until behind him suddenly several headlights lit up and a large tracked vehicle ran right over him, burying him under snow.

'Goddammitmutherfuckingpieceofshitsonofabitchasylumretardasshole!' he shouted.

He drove the bubble back and forth until he got clear and continued his way feeling pissed off.

Eventually he saw blue lights in the distance. Getting closer he saw they were poles marking the way to the outpost. He followed the way and ended up at the outpost, a collection of smaller and larger concrete boxes connected through corridors. He found the vehicle that ran him over in a vehicle bay next to another one. He parked the bubble just outside the entrance in the bay, took a deep breath, grabbed his bags and entered. The entrance led into a corridor littered with an assortment of boxes leading to a large room where he noticed the guys were slumping on couches watching an action movie on TV.

'Alright, very funny.' he said as he put down his bags. 'Who do I have to thank for-.' was as far as he got when he noticed the guys were not guys at all. They had small muzzles, full, long hair and tails.

'Ah, so you came.' a black and white female husky said, then continued to watch the TV with another blue-grey and red-brown one on the couches, all dressed in large t-shirts.

'Are you..?'

'Yeah.' a white-grey female husky in a large heavy metal shirt said as she walked in munching on crisps. 'I guess you also thought we were guys.'

'Gomen, but everyone made it sound like you were a bunch of mean, bullying guys.'

'And who says we're not a bunch of mean, bullying girls?' the red-brown one asked.

'Ehmm, well, I never really believed girls could be that bad.'

They all kept silent for a moment, then the white-grey one leaned closer. 'You're a virgin, aren't you?' she asked with a devious grin.

He stepped back blushing. 'Wait, what? What has that got to do with anything?'

The black and white husky snickered. 'Well, so far he has made the best introduction of them all.'

Huskies from HellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ