Chapter 2

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Before I begin the chapter I would like to thank STEALHPANDA243 and Readingisonmymind for being the FIRST two to add my story to their reading lists. It makes me feel great to know that I'm not the only one interested in this story and thanks to the people that viewed this story. Anyways let the chapter begin!

Edit: I forgot that I didn't distinguish the different thoughts and talking so I'll do that here.
"Normal Speech"
'Normal thoughts'
"Kurama speech"
" Kurama thoughts"
(General POV Speech)

--Kyuubi's P.O.V--

"Please hold all of your questions until the end" I told Naruto, knowing that he would have many questions by the end.

"I was roaming through the demon
realm checking on all of the towns and villages of my people when I felt something calling to me. I thought it was just some random feeling so I ignored it and kept going through my kingdom. About an hour later the feeling came back but this time only stronger. I thought to myself 'what is this weird feeling that I keep getting? It feels like someone is trying to summon me' So with that thought in mind I decided to go tell my general that I will be gone and to keep the people safe. Little did I know that I wouldn't be going back for a long time. Anyways I decided to let the feeling consume me and take me to wherever I was being summoned to.

Once I reappeared I was standing before someone that I honestly thought I wouldn't have to see ever again in my life. It was a man that was and still is infamous throughout the hidden leaf and the entire shinobi world....Madara Uchiha! Now I know what you're thinking 'how could Madara Uchiha still be alive?!?' But I am afraid that I don't have an answer to that question.  Anyways as soon as I was summoned I was immediately put under the influence of his mangekyo sharingan and had no memories of what happened until I was being sealed inside of you. I can only assume from the amount of destruction that I could briefly see before I was sealed that I attacked your village.

Well that was everything I remember that night...OH and I forgot to mention but your parents are the yellow flash and the red hot habanero aka Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Minato was also the one who sealed me within you. Any questions Naruto?"

--------- Naruto's POV --------------

'I honestly was so stunned by the information I just received that I don't even know what to ask' "Uhhhh..." I said deep in thought " I guess my only question at the moment would be why?" "Why would the Fourth Hokage, my own father,  seal you inside of me?" " I don't know why he picked you but if I could guess it would be because he believed that you could manage to tame my power and bring peace to this world" Kyuubi said. " Oh and how exactly did he think that I would do that!!?" "Honestly for a so called genius he was pretty stupid."

"Hey Naruto I have a suggestion that would work out for both of us" Kurama said. " Oh yeah, and what would that great suggestion be oh mighty furball?" " Okay two things, 1) MY NAME IS KURAMA AND IF YOU EVER CALL ME FURBALL AGAIN ILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND! and 2) You remove the seal and I transfer some of my power to you and I'll even help you master the new form that comes with it." "New form? I won't become a big fox like you will I?" " No you'll become a hanyou or half-demon. You'll be the same except for enhanced senses, strength, fox ears, whiskers, and a fox tail." "Also I can give you a bloodline(s) as well as after the change happens you technically will be my son."

'Hmmm it sounds like an interesting why not what do I have to lose?' " Okay Kurama I accept so what now?" "Now you rip the seal off." (Naruto floated up to the seal on the water that was in his mindscape, reached forward and quickly ripped off the seal. He was then quickly knocked back to the ground by a powerful shockwave. When he got up he saw Kurama stretching his limbs.) "Okay that's done now what?" "Now you need to brace yourself because this will hurt a bit".

----Outside in the Hospital General POV----
(You could feel the power roll off Naruto in waves. At first it seemed like the Kyuubi was trying to take over but if you looked closer then you would see the changes happening to his body. He grew taller by a few inches making him 5'2" and he gained more muscle. His whisker marks thickened into real whiskers and he grew a pair of fluffy blond fox ears with a reddish tip on the top of his head. The most peculiar part however is the bushy fox tail that matched his ears that grew out of his tailbone)

----Third Hokage's POV----
" I rushed into Naruto's room as soon as I felt the power disturbance. I hoped that it wasn't the Kyuubi wasn't breaking free but to my utter relief and shock I found that it wasn't the Kyuubi but something different. Naruto had changed and I can't tell if it was a good or bad change. I decided to ask him since he was waking up."

---Naruto's POV---

'As I opened my eyes I found myself in a soft bed with white walls surrounding me. Something smelled strongly like cleaning supplies so I guess that I must be at the hospital. I looked to my right and saw gramps standing next to my bed looking at me worriedly. ' " Ah hello gramps, how are you?" "I'm fine Naruto it's you that I'm worried about. I came here as soon as possible after I was told that you were attacked" the third hokage said. " I'm fine gramps thanks to the Kyuubi." "How do you know about the Kyuubi Naruto?!? Also what happened to you?!?" the third hokage asked with a shocked look on his face. "It's a long story gramps but since you're here I'll tell you."

---Timeskip a few hours---
( A/N This is not the major timeskip i mentioned at the end of the last chapter)
---(Naruto's POV) ---
"So that's what has happened to me and all I know so far and I would also like to request that I am able to leave and go on a training trip, Kyuubi said that he will help me with the 'New Form' so I want to leave until I have mastered it." "Okay Naruto I'll grant your wish as long as you promise to be back before graduation, I want you to bond with the kids around your age." the third hokage said calmly.
"Great thanks gramps! I promise I'll be back in time and when you see me again you won't even recognize me with how strong I've gotten!"


End of chapter
PHEW, that took a while for me to finish but now that it's summer I have more time to write. Well after this it's a time skip to graduation and from there it's on with the story. As promised you guys will be able to pick which guys goes in the harem for Naruto (Kiba is a guarantee and I'll add sasuke ONLY IF ENOUGH people want him). Also tell me what bloodlines you want Naruto to have. It can be one in the anime or manga or one that you've created yourself idc. If you pick one that you've created yourself then you need to pm me with the details of the bloodline.

Anyways thanks for reading and remember the faster you tell me what guys you want in the harem then the faster the romance can begin.

Love y'all

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