Their silence was disturbed by a call on Swayam's phone.

"What?" Swayam said as he picked up the phone. Sharon just gave him a confused expression.

"Woah! I just called to ask on behalf of Ma when you'll be back." Sushant asked.

"I'll be late. I'm with Sharon." Swayam said and Sharon raised her eyebrow when she heard her name.

"Sharon ha! I won't keep you any longer." Sushant teased.

"That would be a huge favour." Swayam said sarcastically.

"Just one more thing..." Sushant said.

"What?" Swayam said through gritted teeth. He did love his brother but he had the worst timing of all and he didn't even realise it.

"When do you suppose I can meet her?" Sushant asked cheekily.

"Goodbye Sushant." Swayam simply stated and ended the phone call before Sushant could say anything further.

"What did he want?" Sharon asked softly.

"Nothing much, just him with his usual talks. He has been insisting lately to meet you." Swayam said.

"I'm flattered. Why don't you?" Sharon asked cocking her head towards her right.

"I'm avoiding it as long as I can." Swayam replied.

"Why so? Do you fear I'll like him better?" Sharon said with a smirk.

"He said the same thing. I was right you both will become fast friends." Swayam said.

"Of course we will. I've heard all about him as you complain about him so much." Sharon said.

"I do not." Swayam said.

"You do. I guess it's time I hear his side of the story." Sharon said with a sweet smile.

"Alright enough talk; I'm hungry." Swayam said as he removed Sharon's arms from his shoulder and strode towards the kitchen to bring out the food. Sharon simply stood laughing at him.

As Swayam kept all the food in place Sharon felt hungry herself looking at all the delicious food he had cooked. She sat down beside him and wrapped her arm around him. She smiled softly at him and then gently kissed him. After their lips parted each other's she spoke softly, "Thank you for all this."

"Anytime Shar." He said and began serving her food. She unwrapped herself from him and looked at him peaceful serving out food. He really did look adorable and her mind had thoughts coming of how good a husband he would be. She immediately shook herself and thought, 'too soon Sharon.'

They began eating silently with Sharon slightly embarrassed about her thoughts and Swayam stealing glances at her.

"So how has work been?" Swayam asked breaking the silence.

"I rather not revisit the hectic week and also, why do you keep insisting about talking about me? How was your work? What about those pieces of poo-poo you were talking about?" Sharon asked.

Swayam smiled at her. Even though Sharon could have the busiest week but she would still remember small details about you. Swayam admired that about her, it showed that she cared and thought about you.

"Surprisingly they were not as stubborn as I thought they would be. I made some changes and they agreed. Not what I wanted but close enough. Good thing they agreed because I was hanging on a thin thread of patience." Swayam answered as he chuckled.

"Please, you would have just given into their demands." Sharon said and shoved a mouthful of food inside her mouth.

"I would not." Swayam denied and played with his food.

"Firstly don't play with your food and secondly you so would, you deflect from any kind of conflict." Sharon said.

"Stop being bossy and you do the same." Swayam answered back.

"I'll admit I do but only while arguments or when it's necessary. If my ideas are good I wouldn't back down." Sharon said.

"Alright fine you win." Swayam said and pouted.

"Ah! The sweet taste of victory." Sharon exclaimed and then pulled out her phone and snapped a picture Swayam pouting.

"Did you just take a photo of me?" Swayam said.

"I did." Sharon said nonchalantly.

"Delete it at once." Swayam ordered.

"Why in the world would I delete this masterpiece of photography?" Sharon said as she waved the picture in front of him.

"Give me that." Swayam said as he lunged for the cell phone. Sharon quickly moved her hand and hid it behind her back.

"Alright fine; keep it but don't you dare share it with anyone." Swayam said.

"It will stay between the three of us." Sharon said solemnly.

"Three?" Swayam questioned.

"You, me and Ankita." Sharon answered.

Swayam glared at her.

"Okay, I won't show it to her." Sharon said chuckling.

Swayam silently went back to his food.

"Speaking of Ankita, I haven't seen or talked to her recently. How is she?" Swayam asked nearly finishing his food.

"She's fine just busy with heaps of work. I'm sensing she might be developing a crush." Sharon said.

"Interesting. I'm sure you'll have fun making her blush." Swayam said.

"I'll try not to but she changes totally when she's in front of her crush." Sharon said.

"She's more shier than you? Why do I feel that hard to believe?" Swayam asked.

"Surprisingly yes. You'll see." Sharon said and finished the last remnants of her food.

"Thank you for the food Swayam. It was really delicious." Sharon said.

"You've thanked me enough today Sharon." Swayam said.

"I just feel like saying it." Sharon said and smiled.

Swayam stood up and kissed the top of her head gently. He collected their plates and went into the kitchen. Sharon followed him carrying the remaining utensils. After washing up they returned to the living room and stood in silence.

"I think I should leave now." Swayam said.

"Can you stay a little longer?" Sharon asked hesitantly.

"If that's what you want." Swayam said.

Sharon nodded and said, "I just feel I haven't seen you enough this week. I'm having withdrawals Shekhawat." Sharon said chuckling.

"I'll stay. I'll just message Mom I'll be late." Swayam said.

"Alright." Sharon said and watched him type on the screen of his mobile. He looked up her and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Just talk. I just miss being around you like I did while working at the theatre." Sharon said.

Swayam nodded and smiled. They both sat down on the sofa with Sharon cuddled into Swayam's chest. They talked about all trivial things and then Sharon's slowly fell asleep with a smile on he face.

A/N- I'm really sorry for such an late update and this one is more late than the usual. Frankly I've been lazy and busy too and writing just took a backseat. The next update might be late too considering my exams are starting next week.

Thank you for reading this story, it means a lot to me.

Also thank you for nominating this story in the Fanfiction awards. :)

Until next time.

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