"Sorry to sneak up on you, Georges." She spoke softly. She had no idea his feelings were so strong for her. Of course, she still loved Philip more than anything, but her heart went out to the helpless young man. What did she do to make him feel this way towards her?

"Miss Theodosia, my dear, what's wrong?" He asked, noticing her eyes as a stray tear slipped down her smooth cheek. She quickly wiped it from her face and shook her head, forcing a smile. He must have already forgotten what he had said.

"Nothing's wrong, Georges, it's just something in my eye." Angie and Philip walked around the corner, Angie holding a glass of water.

   "Has he sobered up any?" Angie asked, sitting down and handing the glass over to Georges. Theo shook her head. "Georges, drink this." The drunk young man did as the girl said and took sips from the glass. Theo stood up, holding onto Philip's arm.

   "Hey, love." Philip said happily, until he saw Theo's expression. "Theo, love, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around her comfortingly.

   "Nothing." She said, shaking her head. "Let's go do something fun." She forced a smile up at him before turning to Angie. "Are you two fine here by yourself?" Angie nodded, as did Georges.

   Theo and Philip began walking off back towards the ballroom. Philip turned his head and hollered down the hall to his sister. "If he makes any advances, you know where to kick him, Ang!" Theo laughed loudly as they made their way back into the ballroom. The two were quickly approached by Aaron Burr.

   "Theodosia, where have you been?" He asked in a worried tone. "I've been looking for you everywhere." He placed his hand gently on her face. Aaron was a one of those nervous parents.

   "Sorry, Daddy. I was in the hall with Angie. I didn't mean to worry you." Aaron shook his head, smiling softly at his daughter.

   "Don't stress, Theo." He told her, putting his hands down. He looked at Philip, then at his daughter again. "I hope you two are having a nice time tonight." The two nodded, forcing smiles. Aaron took Theo's hand gently. "Do you mind if I have a dance with my daughter, Mr. Hamilton?"

   "Not at all." Philip said quickly, letting go of the girl. Theo and Aaron made their way to the dance floor and began dancing slowly with each other. Theo liked dancing with her dad, after all, he was the one who had taught her how. She used to stand on his feet and dance around the living room with him, her mother smiling and laughing as she watched.

   "All eyes are on you tonight, my dearest, Theodosia." Aaron told his daughter, causing her to blush a bright red color. "You look just like your mother tonight. She'd be speechless." Aaron spun his daughter around, smiling at her.

   "I wish she was here." Theo said softly. "I miss her." Aaron pulled his daughter close, giving her a hug. Theo and Aaron's relationship was hot and cold, but at the end of the day, they both loved each other very much.

   "I know, my dear. I miss her too." The two danced around for the rest of the song before Aaron walked Theo back over to Philip. The couple stood beside each other, watching the dancers.

   "Miss. Burr, I was hoping to see you here." A man said, walking over to the couple. "I don't know if you remember me from our meeting, I'm Joseph Alston." Philip felt his hands clench up at the sound of the name.

   "Yes." Theo said in a bitter tone. "I remember you." Theo glanced over at a wound up Philip. She gently placed her hand on his, trying to calm him down a bit. She succeeded. "This is my boyfriend, Philip Hamilton." She said quickly.

   "Boyfriend? I'm afraid I don't quite understand." Joseph said. "Your father said we were holding off on marriage because you were too young, not that you were with another man." He said, his tone getting more irritated.

    "Yes, well—" Theo began before Philip interrupted.

   "You're going to be holding off on that marriage for the rest of your life, sir." Philip said, glaring at the man across from him. "Theo will be marrying me in three years time." He told him. Theo placed her hand on his arm.


   "You? You're still a child. What could you possibly have to offer her? You're—" Joseph spiel was interrupted by Philip's fist hitting his nose. Theo stepped back, still grabbing Philip's hand. Jospeh sent a punch flying back at Philip before Alexander and Aaron came to break it up. Alexander shuffled his son away into a hall and Aaron brought Jospeh outside. Leaving all faces and eyes on Theodosia.

Okay, so much was going on in this chapter! I hope you enjoyed all of that! I had a really great time writing it.

ALSO, I've hit one THOUSAND reads on this story! I can't believe this book has come so far so fast! I never thought that I'd get such a positive reaction and such positive feedback from it! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU ALL! I'll never be able to put into words how grateful I am.

Dearest, Theodosia Where stories live. Discover now