Setting Things in Motion

Start from the beginning


Location: Todayland, Unused RI Warehouse

The scanner had told them that the blood Penny had found at RI belonged to a girl named April.But the footage Hiro had retrieved identified another accomplice.Someone named Jeremy.

"They were at S.B."Wilbur pointed out.

"But why would supers steal a Skeleton Chip?" Penny questioned.

"According to the NSA files my parents had, April was able to go through walls, which explains how she got in to steal the chip. And Jeremy has the ability to turn anything on and off at will. So that explains why RI was down."

"But Sansweet had to be the one who stole the chip. Why would two supers need it?" Wilbur pondered.

"Well, check out this footage I got." Hiro turned their attention to the screen. "They seem to be in perfect sync when exiting the building. And I used other cameras to track them down." he brought up a few more video files of them.

"So they walk in the same formation?" Wilbur shrugged. "What are you trying to say?"

"Look closer." he stopped on one video and zoomed in on them.

"April has a nosebleed." Violet noted. It wasn't huge, but it was noticeable and she didn't even bother to rub it off. And from the looks of it,neither seemed aware of it, or of anything really.

"Couldn't they afford a tissue?" Wilbur commented.

"I think their under some kind of mind control." Hiro concluded.

"I think I can confirm that." Penny pointed to something near their ear. "Something tells me that's no ordinary headset."

"So they were doing this against their will. I think Sansweet has more in plan then kidnapping supers." Wilbur said.

"She wants to destroy them and if she has them under her control, who knows what she'll make them do. She'll have the power to destroy their reputations for good." Violet said.

"Anyway to find out where they went?" Penny asked.

Hiro shook his head. "I tried to trace them and keep track of them but then the camera's just cut off."

"Whereabouts did they cut off?" Wilbur asked.

"I don't know. Around 6th Street." Hiro answered.

"That's Old Town. That was where the orphanage my dad grew up in before my grandparents adopted him. It's not much there. Most of it's just ruins and old buildings. But they keep it for historic purposes. They think people would like to know where my dad started off. But it does have a few upgrades and such. But it's practically low tech."

"And that would be the perfect place to hide if I wanted to stay under the radar." Violet noted. "Do a lot of people live there?"

"Not really. There's a few stores operating and some people living there. Most are those who can't afford a home. But most buildings are abandoned."

"Guess we have a possible location." Penny said.

"From the looks of itOld Town isn't that quite big and it might not be too hard to find Sansweet base." Hiro said as he brought a map up of the place.

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Violet said. "Remember, this woman fooled the NSA and she isn't going to make things easy for them to find her, let alone a group of kids."

"It's the only lead we got." Hiro mentioned. "But I think we might need some upgrades."he smirked, making all three look at him confused.


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