{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold} [22]

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I felt someone shaking me but I just groaned and rolled over.

"Katie, you gotta get up."

"You shouldn't shake a baby you know," I grumbled.

"I'm not shaking the babies I'm shaking you." Zacky said annoyed.

"Duh. The babies are inside me so if you shake me you shake them."

"Fine. Linds is up and when Matt gets here I'll just send him up and tell him you are trying to skip your doctor's appointment."

I scrambled out of bed and into the shower.

"Yeah I'll just be downstairs," Zacky called through the door but I didn't answer.

I showered quickly and didn't bother with makeup.

"Not even born yet and I'm already looking like a mother." I complained as I pulled on my jeans. Wait?! Did these look like Mom jeans on me? Shit! I finished dressing and ran a brush through my long tangled locks before brushing my teeth carefully. Anything could upset my stomach anymore in the morning it seemed. I grabbed my shoes and headed down the steps. Matt walked in the front door as I reached the bottom floor. I smiled at him still feeling sleepy. I heard Linds leaving the kitchen and I looked at her suspiciously. She held up her hands.

"Zacky let me in just to have a cup of coffee so we wouldn't make you sick."

I sniffed as she talked and I could smell the coffee on her breath.

"Ugh. I could kill for some caffine about now."

Matt chuckled and Linds gave me a sympathetic smile. We walked out to the car and got in. Linds took the backseat and I watched her curl up there. It was only a twenty minute drive to the doctors office but despite the fact that she had gotten more than her eight hours last night and even with the coffee this morning she still slept most of the way.

"You know you shouldn't be stressing over Linds. It's not good for you or the babies."

"How can I not?"

He smiled. "I know. I just think you should let Johnny and the rest of us stress over it more. Ok?"

I nodded. When he parked at the office I got out and tried to get Linds to wake up.

"Honey?" I shook her lightly. "Honey, we're at the doctor's office."

"Oh..already? Alright," she mumbled sitting up.

She got out and Matt was right there to help us. I let Matt take her to get her a seat and I signed us both in.

Linds got taken in first and then they decided to just let us keep the room. Matt sat on the chair and I chose to sit on his lap.

"I won't tell Val," I whispered.

He snorted and pulled out his phone.

"Matt we're in a doctor's office!" I hissed.

He texted Val. 

I tried not to pay attention to the conversation but then Matt put the phone in my hands. I looked at him.

"Read it," he said his tone and face completely serious.

Kathy is worried she is sitting on my lap.


She's worried what you'll think

Why you're single?

She thinks we are getting back together.


I don't know.

{Avenged} My Nightmare {Sevenfold}Where stories live. Discover now