(16) - It's Nothing

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Today, I decide to wear my hair a little different than my usual twin tails. I tie the long hair in one large ponytail which hangs just above my head, and I'm grinning like an idiot. I tie yellow ribbon just around the rim of the ponytail, ready to start the day.
What? I want to look good for when I see Yamamoto. If I see Yamamoto. I plan on finding him today.
He's in the same town, as Lenka said, right?

Just get through the eight hours of hell. That will be enough. Then I can start my search.

Two hours pass. The bell rings, indicating it's sign for lunchtime. This is my chance.
I could sneak out and look for him. However, what I didn't know at the time was that as I rushed through the halls, a certain chubby blonde boy with sparkling green eyes was watching me go.

"Hey! You dropped something!" Someone called after me, making me stop in my tracks.
My yellow ribbon was sitting on the ground. I murmur a sign of thanks, reaching to get it. Another human comes in contact, startling me.
The chubby blonde boy was reaching for it as well, probably going to give it to me. The heat immediately goes to my cheeks.
Is that you? You're as cute as ever. I'm still mad at you for leaving, but I suppose I could forgive you.

"T-Thank you!" I manage to let out. 'I hate all of humanity.' That'll change once I begin to be with him more. After all, I only started believing that once he left, right?
"See you around then!" I yell, grabbing the ribbon and sprinting off. Am I stupid?
I believe I just ran off, leaving Yamamoto in the dust. Its like what happened as kids but switched! How ironic.
I can feel his perplexed stare burning in my back, making me overflow with guilt. Eventually, he's out of sight.
Or so I thought.

"Miss! You dropped it again!" I can see 'Yamamoto' charging in at full speed, a ribbon seemed to be glued to his fingers.
Maybe changing hairstyle wasn't a good idea afterall...
"What's your name?" He asks, sticking his hand with the ribbon out. I take it and smile. Kind as always.

"Miku Ha- Mindori. Miku Mindori," I mutter, hoping to get a reaction.
Nothing. Not a gasp, not a head turn. Has he forgotten about me?

"Ah, my name is Oliver Williams. I am a transfer student from America. Nice to meet you."

All a big fake. All an illusion. This is perfect. I can't talk to Gumi about it - she makes me feel nervous, I can't talk to Rin or Len about it - it's too personal. I cannot talk to anyone about this. I'll just keep quiet to myself, and won't let anyone know a thing.

"Oh... Nice to meet you too, Williams," I say warmly, yet my voice goes from smooth to hitched midway. Williams is a strange, unique name. I like it.

"I hope we can be friends, Mindori." Yeah. Friends. Friends with an illusion. This is perfect. I feel like crying. I pour my heart and soul into doing these things to look good for someone. Someone that's a fake. A figment of my imagination, almost.

"Can I ask you a question, Mindori?" Oliver asks, stepping closer.

"Shoot," I say, nervously looking at the ground.

"Why did you run from me?"

"I was scared. You reminded me of someone.. Someone I knew. It's not important, and it shouldn't be important to a stranger, Williams." I snap, afraid of any more questions.

"I'm sorry. Was this someone special?"

"... Very."

"I see. Miss Mindori, are you going to be alright?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. I just need some time to recover. For a second I thought I had him back," I choke out, my voice trembling.

"I shall leave you here to pick up your thoughts, then. Have a nice day." How polite. I cannot see him as 'Oliver Williams.' I can only see Yamamoto. I don't know why.


A tear.


Another. Soon, they're all falling at once, and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Great timing Kagamidiot.

"What does it look like?! I thought I could be reunited with someone very dear to me, only to have it be a lie! Do you know what it's like to have something ripped apart from you, Kagamine? Once, twice, three times?! It's like a reincarnation of all of those horrible things! Have you ever felt heartbreak?!"

"... Are you familiar with the name 'pig,' Miku?" I hesitate, not only because he called me by my first name, but also because I have no clue what he's talking about.

"Absolutely not," I'm being honest. What is he talking about?

"I need to go talk to someone, Hatsune. Good luck." Len waves off, walking. He gets smaller and smaller until he is out of sight.


Piggy seems nice. Seems. I still have unfinished business to take care of.

"Why?!" Len paces around the room, utterly exasperated.
"Why does she act like nothing happened in the past?! Why is she the victim?!" He slams his fists on a nearby table, squirming uncontrollably.

"... I have no clue. Maybe you need to step up your game. The dinner party is this weekend, and there is a star gazing activity tomorrow night. Try your best. Maybe you can get more information out of her."

Liar, liar. Liars never get their way.

I should have learnt that by now.
Soon the young miss will get her way. A narrow escape in a tight situation.

"Gumi, I have a question," Len turns to me, cooling down.

"Why are you the only one that recognizes the nickname 'pig?'"

(a/n: TheCandyChild are you feeling it now Mr.krabs)

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