Chapter 6

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ೋღ♥ ღೋ Chapter 6. ೋღ♥ ღೋ

Copyright © 2014 AKattanXOX

I'll be honest," he started, "I don't even know who my friends are anymore. Once you hit a certain level of success, people want things from you.
It's easy to have a lot of people you know, and not get attached and hurt."

She was surprised by his painfully honest response. He wasn't just smoke and mirrors; there was a real man under that tough exterior.

He continued, "I guess I want to thrive in business. I don't really put a lot of effort into my personal life. It's easier that way, partying, pretending like it all doesn't matter, but I guess sometimes it feels empty and gets old. Honestly, I think I'm lonely, but I'm almost afraid to admit it to myself. I've watched my father go through one woman after the other after I lost my mom. I just didn't want to be him, but I've been using them in my own way, refusing to give more of myself than a brief encounter."

She liked this more vulnerable man before her. There was something attractive about his brutal honesty.

They could at least be friends, after all, they were about to share five years together.

"What?" He said, noting the way she was looking at him.

"Nothing, I just saw this sweetness in you, a little boy lost in a grown man's body."

"You're a beautiful woman," he said, changing the topic, "but I'd love to get to know you better too. I'm thinking there's more to you than you've shared so far."

It was only fair. He'd shared something personal. She lowered her gaze to her drink, not wanting to look him in the eye as she spoke.

"I've always thought I wasn't good enough. I've always come in second place in life. So I have this insane desire to prove I'm worthy enough to be in first place. I'm driven by the stupidest little things."

"You took first place this time, he said, reaching across the table, "resting his hand on hers. "I chose you."

There was a moment between them, their eyes connecting. This wasn't good, they weren't supposed to get attached, this wasn't emotional - it needed to stay a business transaction. He was the first to break away, pulling his hand back.

"So, tell me about your family. I'd love to hear about my future in-laws." Redirecting the conversation felt safer. This sharing personal crap was risky - especially if your heart got involved.

"Ah, Mom and Dad, they're your standard parents. Happy for me when I succeed, disappointed when I have ideas of my own. They push me to want more, than make me feel guilty when I dream big. You know, conflicted over whether they want me to soar or want me to stay close to home so they can watch over me and tell me what to do."

Michael laughed, "That's quite a description. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"One older brother, he's an engineer, married, has one kid, another on the way. What about you?"

"No, only me," his voice got quiet. "You know, I looked back through all of my contacts, and there wasn't a single person I would consider asking to step into the role of my wife. It was eye opening, I don't have a lot of close connections - I tend to keep people at an arm's distance."

Natalie felt the hidden pain in his voice. He was speaking words that he wished weren't true. "It's an odd situation, isn't it?"

"I hope we can become friends through all of this," he looked sincere.

"That would be nice," she kept eye contact; trying to read anything he was willing to give away. She wanted to get to know him, and the better they got along the easier it would be, but what did he really want from her, friendship, commitment, or an employee that follows orders? She knew it was a contractual obligation, but if they were going to spend five years together, she hoped he at least treated her well.

When it came down to it, there was probably a reason he wasn't close to anybody - and that came down to him.

As the drinks flowed, more details came out, and sharing bits and pieces of one another, he realized she was a nice girl. Sure she'd signed a contract and was willing to be paid to be his wife, but she was used to being paid for her appearance. At least her personality was better than the empty vessels he often met at the clubs.

Paying the tab, the couple headed outside to catch a cab. Michael looked at Natalie, "I know this is crazy, but could I see you again?"

Natalie laughed, "We're about to get engaged, and then married. I'd say the answer to that question is yes. Yes, you can see me again."

Taking her hand, he lifted it to his lips, and kissed it tenderly. "I meant might I be able to go on a date with you, the real you, not the stand-in wife version of you."

"Aren't they the same?"

"Are they?"

Natalie blushed. "Do you think that's a good idea?"

"I don't know, but I really like you, and I'd like to know you better."

"Let's sleep on it," she said, not wanting to turn away from him. She didn't want to jump in too quickly, she'd signed a contract and things could get sticky."

That sounds like a good idea," he raised his arm, calling a cab. "I'm going to walk," he smiled, tucking her into the cab and handing the driver her fare.

Natalie caught herself grinning like a school girl. Michael was interesting, attractive, and smart. He was a great catch in a normal circumstance, though he was honest about having major commitment issues. Isn't it funny, that they'd be committing in a business arrangement, something he feared emotionally, but was okay with without strings attached.

She replayed his words in her mind, his desire to see her again. Only he wasn't asking for the contract, he was asking for himself. The look in his eyes made that obvious. What happened if they got involved, would they fall in love?

What happened if he bored of her like all the others, and she was stuck in that commitment for years, would he be cold, making her pay out of resentment. It was probably best to keep things polite and friendly.

Though, maybe they could be friends with benefits, not getting emotionally attached, but enjoying each other time to time. Natalie's cheeks flushed; almost worried the taxi driver could read her thoughts. Maybe she'd be different - maybe she could fix him, change his...she stopped the thought, knowing it was foolish to believe she'd be any different.

Pulling up to her building, she thanked the driver and found her way inside. She'd have to think carefully about this.

She tossed it around all night long, and then finally falling asleep, decided it couldn't hurt to give it a chance, maybe these five years together would be something special, something loving and warm, and they'd been brought together by fate.

Michael walked down the crowded sidewalk wearing a smile. He liked this woman more than he intended to. She was easy to talk to, beautiful, and willing to go after what she wanted. He wanted to touch her, hold her, and kiss her sweet lips.

Only, he knew his pattern. He knew he'd bore of her like the others, and then what. They'd still be stuck together, and she'd grow resentful that he'd used her, and then moved on. She could make his life miserable - after all they'd be married.

Sucking in, he realized it was a mistake to want more from the girl. They needed to keep things cordial. Getting involved wouldn't do - it would only complicate things, and that was the last thing he needed in his personal life. He was doing this for the company, for their business, and he needed to keep it in perspective. If he'd met her at the club any other night, he would have taken her to bed and dumped her a day or two later...this isn't any different.

Keep your head in the game, Michael.
He decided he'd tell her it was a mistake, and they'd only maintain a business relationship. She'd probably be relieved anyway. She didn't sign up for love, she signed up for money.

Copyright © 2014 AKattanXOX

:{( moustache lad...

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