1••A Very Manly Alfie

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In a fairly large and fairly old house there came a sudden screech.

"ALLERY!" A young blonde woman screamed, stomping out of the bathroom and down the hall, startling those in her wake. She burst into her shared room and marched towards the bed in the far corner of the room. On it was a lump. Well, a burrito depending on who you ask. A deep blue comforter covered the entirety of the bed, cocooning the sleeping girl in warmth and darkness as she was buried deep within it.

The fuming young girl came to a halt at the side of the bed.

"ALLERY!" She screamed again. The sleeping girl stirred and peeked her eyes open from under the blanket, wondering if she had dreamt that or if someone had actually said her name. Well, screamed it would be more accurate. The blonde girl screeched again and stomped her foot. She grabbed a stray pillow and repeatedly hit the sleeping girl.

"Allery!! Get up, you lazy bum!" She cried, accentuating each word with a hit of the pillow. Allery blinked herself awake, realizing that it was not, in fact, a vivid dream. Someone was attacking her, and she had a feeling that she knew who it was.

"Amber?" She called sleepily. She received a huff in response. Allery pulled her comforter off of her head, revealing a head of messy dark curls and bleary brown eyes. She eyed the blonde beauty, wondering what her problem was. Amber didn't wait for her to speak.

"Why do I smell like wet dog?" Amber questioned angrily. Allery blinked before sniffing the air. Amber was right, she did smell like a wet dog, but Allery didn't have any idea why. She shrugged.

"I give up. Why do you smell like a wet dog, Ambs?" She questioned sleepily. Amber growled at her, before lifting a shampoo bottle and shaking it in Allery's face as she sat up.

"Because somebody replaced my shampoo with wet dog!" She fumed, trying to restrain herself it seemed. Allery raised an eyebrow.

"And you think I did it." Allery stated. Amber gave her a look that said, what do you think? Allery shrugged again.

"Wasn't me." She answered Amber's silent accusation, before laying back down and pulling her comforter back over her head.

"Who else could it have been?" Amber cried, grabbing the comforter and trying to take it off. Allery groaned and held onto it, they were suddenly engaged in a game of tug.

"I don't know. Maybe the two other people who like to pull pranks in this house." Allery mumbled, not having to try very hard to keep her blanket over her head. Amber suddenly let go and without another word stomped out of the room. Allery peeked her head out from under the blanket, wondering where Amber went.


Allery snorted. Well, that answers that question. Mara, who had been sitting on her bed during the exchange looked at the girl whose head disappeared under the blanket once more.

"You did it, didn't you." She stated more than asked, shaking her head.

"Amber, Amber calm down! It wasn't me!" Alfie's familiar voice screamed, there was a splashing sound and a very manly yelp. Allery smirked as she drifted off to sleep.


|time skip|

Allery sighed as she straightened her tie, then she began pushing her curls out of her face and fighting to put them into a braid. She huffed as she sat down at the breakfast table next to a damp Alfie and a laughing Jerome.

"Why didn't you get the long hair, Alfie? This is ridiculous." She grumbled, finally succeeding in tying her thick hair into a side braid. Alfie grinned.

"Sorry, sis. Long hair wouldn't suit me as well as it suits you. I'm too manly for long hair." He said while flexing a bicep that he obviously thought was bigger than it was.

"Ah yes, manly. Is that why I heard you scream like a little girl this morning?" Allery asked, feigning confusion as she plucked a piece of toast from Jerome's plate. Jerome gave her a playful glare, before eating a piece of bacon.

"Morning." Mara called, taking her place at the table, followed by a still fuming Amber.

"Morning Amber." Jerome greeted as Allery started taking a drink of orange juice.

"I trust your morning has been refreshing, yeah?" He asked, causing Allery to choke on her juice. She covered her mouth and closed her eyes as she started to laugh. Mara bit her lip to keep from laughing as Jerome gave Amber an innocent look. Mick walked in and greeted them all, pecking Amber's cheek, oblivious to her anger. He sat down and scooped some eggs onto a plate.

Fabian rushed in, taking a seat by a still laughing/choking Allery, he gave her a questioning look but started to eat. Patricia and Joy were the last to enter the kitchen, wondering what was going on. Alfie patted Allery's back and she shook her head, tears of mirth falling from her eyes. She sat up and wiped her eyes, managing to swallow the orange juice in her mouth.

"Sorry, sorry." She wheezed, waving apologetically at Amber. Amber glared at her before turning her glare back to Alfie. Mara placed a comforting hand on Amber's arm, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to soothe her.

"Amber? You okay? Why are you glaring at Alfie like that?" Mick asked his angry girlfriend.

"Because someone thought it would be funny to replace my shampoo with wet dog. I had to take three showers to get the smell off. I hope you're happy, Alfred!" Amber growled. Alfie held up his hands in a panic, his voice going from boyish to feminine as he tried to defend himself.

"Amber, I didn't do it! I swear on my life it wasn't me." Alfie cried, being completely honest. Amber, recognizing his honesty, turned her glare to Jerome instead.

"Very manly, Alfie." Allery muttered to her twin, he glared at her before turning back to the situation.

"Though it was a brilliant prank, and I wish that I had thought of it, it wasn't me." Jerome said, just as sincere as Alfie.

"Well then who was it?!" Amber screeched before coming to a complete stop and turning to a smirking Allery.

"Hi." Said girl chirped with a little wave. Amber's face grew red as her anger started to build, Allery saw this and started to get up, not seeming the least bit worried. In fact, her grin seemed to grow.

"Ah well, this breakfast has been wonderful as usual, Trudy. Anyway, good morning to all." She said cheerfully, looking around at her friends, most were trying not to laugh while some were looking cautiously at Amber.

"I have to speak with Mr. Sweet, but I will see you all in class." She said, giving a mock salute.

"Alfie, Jerome, Fabian, Mick, Mara, Patricia, Joy, Amber." She winked at Amber, pulling her bag onto her shoulder just as the young blonde stood.

"ALLERY!" She screamed, startling Trudy and almost everyone else.

"Gotta go." She laughed. Jerome and Alfie cracked up while Allery dashed off, a screeching Amber chasing after her.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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