Chapter 27

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"W-what are you? How did you? When?" I stutter out when he finally sets me down, barely able to find my voice.

"Mason called me after your fight with John. He knew I'm the only one who would really understand what you're going through. I got here as quickly as I could, but it's hard to get leave on a short notice, which is why I just got here." Nico tells me as he keeps his hands on my shoulders.

"I haven't seen you in almost two years, but one fight with John and you come back? I should have done that sooner." I half-heartedly joke, still in shock that my brother flew halfway across the world just to give me support.

"Sorry, Ducky. It's part of the life I agreed to when I enlisted." He tells me with a shrug as we both take a seat on the couch. "Okay, now tell me exactly what happened. Mason didn't get a chance to tell me much, and I would rather hear it directly from you."

I sigh, knowing this is going to be a long story and wishing that my seeing Nico after so long was under different circumstances. "Do you get my letter where I explained how he was making me work for him over summer?" Nico just nods waiting for me to continue. "Well, that didn't end up as I hoped. So I got reassigned when one of his major bands needed someone to help them get around and basically babysit them. It wasn't too bad at first, but it started getting worse no thanks to John--" I tell him the whole story, but discreetly leave out the details about Luke and I. When I make it to the part about John asking me to 'date' one of the guys to exploit it for album publicity, I can visibly see Nico's anger and frustration building.

"Dang, Ducky. I'm proud of you. It takes guts to stand up to him, especially with how tightly he likes to hold onto us."

"I don't feel proud of it though, Nico." I whisper as I squeeze a pillow to my chest. "I know you had the same problem with him, but Phil finally told me the full extent of it. How did you do it?"

"Do what?" He asks, but it's obvious that he knows exactly what I'm asking.

"How did you just walk away?"

"Andy, I didn't want to, but I needed a way to get out. I feel bad for abandoning you, especially when you needed me most. I couldn't stand the thought of him having an ounce of control over my life."

"That's not what I meant, Nico. I mean, how did you just walk away from it all so casually? I keep wanting to just leave him behind and forget he's my dad, but something keeps me from going."

"It's because you're too good of a person." Nico sighs, and I can clearly see all the pain he's been running from reflected in his eyes. "You care too much about people. I know you probably hate the thought, but I think a part of you wants him to admit he's wrong. If he admits he's wrong, it means you can give him a second chance. I just never expected anything like that from him, and I'm much too bitter to give him a second chance."

"I highly doubt he'll ever admit he was wrong, much less ask for a second chance." I tell him, rolling my eyes knowing to John, his pride is everything he has.

"I know, but if ever does--at least consider it." I look up at Nico, completely shocked. "Anyway, I have something for you." He tells me pulling something out of his pocket. "Close your eyes and hold your hand out." I do what he says, and feel him stick something cold and metallic before closing my fingers around it.

I open my eyes and look down into my hand. "Your dogtags?"

"Yeah. They finally gave me an updated set, and I figured this would help add to your punk look while reminding you always have your big bro backing you up." I smile at him, out of all my siblings, Nico and I have always been closest. Ever since we were kids, Nico was my 'favorite,' and we were inseparable since day one. It's probably because we're so alike, in virtually every way. In fact, most people would mistake Nico and I for being twins because of the resemblance.

Fight for Me #Wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang