Chapter 4

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Dipper quickly threw off his coat and put it around the guy in front of him. How did this guy know dipper's name in the first place? Who was he? Where did he come from? What did it have to do with bill? Could it be?
"Hey! Can you hear me?" Dipper asked the boy but he again didn't really get much of a response.
The person put his hands in front of him, turning a twisting them as if it were the first time he'd ever seen his own hands. His single eye fixed itself on dipper for a moment before closing and he took a deep breath.
"Dipper pines, so we meet again?" Said the stranger.
Dipper was taken back by the comment, again he thought could it really be him
"B-bill?" Dipper asked, in a bit of disbelief. He knew he had to be dreaming. There was no other explanation.
Before the guy could respond he erupted into a coughing fit. Dipper put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" Dipper asked.

"I'm fine." The guy said after calming down.

"Is that really you bill?"

The man smiled, "your smarter then you look pine tree."

Dipper backed up a bit, unsure what to do. The only person who ever called dipper that was bill, its a name he'd almost forgotten about. Dipper's old enemy sat in front of him, back from the dead. Not only was he back from the dead but he was still tangible, he had a physical form... but it wasn't his old form.. he was human looking. Dipper knew he should run, go tell the others, leave bill here, but something inside him knew he couldn't do that. Maybe it was something about how helpless bill looked, or maybe about what he's been thinking about recently. He couldn't run.
"H-how are you back?!" Dipper said in shock.

"I don't know," bill responded, he sounded just as confused as dipper was. "You're taking this better then I thought you would have."
Dipper didn't say anything to that, he just studied bill's face, not sure weather to believe all this. The world still had color, he wasn't in the mindscape. He wasn't asleep, because he knew he could feel the pain of the sticks below him digging into his knees. He could be hallucinating but that was unlikely.
"This is crazy." Dipper said simply. "You can't be back. It's impossible. We erased you from existence!"

"Might not be possible-" bill coughed again, "but it happened anyways."

"Have you just been sitting inside that statue all these years?" Dipper asked

"Yes, but it didn't really feel like I was stuck in place, it felt like I was asleep but still aware of my surroundings. I started to wake up when you touched my hand."
Dipper remembered accidentally brushing it but, was that really enough to bring him back? Was it really enough to simply make contact to bring him back into reality?

Bill started laughing, "and now your going to go tell your family and they will all come back here and lock me away. I don't have the strength to fight you or argue with you."

"You not gonna try to make a deal?" Dipper narrowed his eyes. No matter what bill put forward he wasn't going to fall for it.

Bill sighed, "no." He tried to sit up but fell back again, "I'm done making deals"

It was dipper's turn to laugh, "you're kidding right? You're bill cipher all you do is make deals."

"I thought you said it yourself, everything was a misunderstanding." Bill inquired.

"Y-you heard all of that?" Dipper asked with eyes wide.

"I was resting in that statue, not entirely asleep. I heard everything." Bill massaged his temples trying to get rid of a headache.

Dipper chuckled, "makes sense that my old enemy would know all my worst secrets."

"You're the one that told me them." Bill gave an annoyed face.

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