Part 6

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     Cain woke up later in what sounded like a horse-drawn carriage of some sort. The clicking of two horses' hooves were heard from above her. She looked down through her legs and passed her tail to see the wooden door. It squeaked every once in a while on a rusty hinge, but remained shut. Looking around, she could make out the shapes of wolves. A hole in the top of the wagon illuminated the space and to her right the messed up paint of a sign was visable. It read: "Mephan & co." Her eyes widened at the sight- she'd seen this wagon before. Her pack had defended some sister packs against them when Mephan attacked them.

They were slave traders.

And she was one of their bounty.

She gave a startled whine after attempting to bark. She was on her back, muzzled tied shut and down to the floor.  Some of the other wolves woke up and joined her sorrow realizing what had happened while others remained silent and look on with pity.

A bang to the front of the wagon snapped them shut, "Quiet you! I don't want ta here anymore of yer insisent winin!" The others remained silent but Cain began to growl. How dare they speak to her like that! How dare they put her and these other poor wolves in this situation!

The wagon soon stopped, jolting everyone forward and extracting a few suprised yips. The axienty and fear was easy to smell in the tiny enclosed space.
"Now what's gonna happen to us?"

The sound of the door unlocking stopped  her growling. The hinge screeched as the door flew open, almost smashing her tail. "Who the hell was snarlin' back 'ere?!" The grey wolf snarled at the group. Of course no one spoke up but she had a feeling even if they could they wouldn't.

"No matter. We're here." A third wolf, different from the one earlier that Cain  was sure was Marcus, said. This one was plain white. "Another minority."  Cain thought. "Maybe he'd help me get outta here?"  She doubted it but she was damned if she wouldn't try. One by one the other wolves left, each had a collar and a muzzle, each with sharp point facing the skin. Cain was soon the only one left.

The white wolf was talking to the grey one. Now that they were next to each other it was easier to tell who would be the hardest to take out. The grey one while slightly taller and with longer legs wasn't as burly as the white one. The cream colored wolf also showed up as they spoke. The cream colored wild be her first target, he was scrawny, shorter, skinny and less built as the other two.

"Lue, this one gave a bit of trouble. When we were getting her she growled at me and took longer to shift than normal" creamy said to the white wolf, now dubbed Lue.

"Put a shock collar on her. Tie her muzzle up with some rope or tape, both for all I care and tie her up to the post out there." Lue spoke and left. Cream looked at Grey, "Well, I call not it for getting her muzzle!"

"Hey! You can't just- that's not- I mean-... oh fuck off Kaleb." The grey one huffed at Kaleb and grabbed some tape and rope. He also threw a shock collar at him.

"Okay, pup. Stay still for Shale and this will be less painful." Grey, now Shale, spoke up as he crept towards her.

"Painful for who exactly?"

Shale reached out and too off the muzzle. Cain remained still and only glared at him until his guard was down and he reached to put the tape on her. "Good girl." The moment the tape touch a whisker she shot her head up as far as she could go, which was only several inches, and clamped down on his arm.

"Gah! BITCH!" He started to shake his arm trying to throw her off but in return only shredding his skin and mussel more. "Kaleb! Get Lue!" Kaleb immediately ran out and searched for him.

"Your gonna get it now, mutt!"

Kaleb came back with Lue, who had two long sticks with him, one with a spear tip on the front.

"Release Shale's arm now or this goes in your eye," He growled. Cain hesitantly opened her jaw and Shale yanked his arm away. Lue glanced at it, blood flowed from the torn flesh. Cain made sure not to tear any vein's- she didn't like killing I'd she didn't have too- but his struggling might've sealed his fate.

"Check in with the nurse," Lue smirked to Shale, "and congratulations. You got yourself a new scar. A damn good one at that."

Shale nodded and hopped out of the carriage. Lue turned back, his armor glinted. Cain had just noticed the differences in their armor. Each had the same silver set with a red wolf head on the left breast. Though Shale's and Kaleb's armor seemed a bit more flimsy. That and Lue's armor had a yellow stripe around the right shoulder. "Is he in a higher rank than them?"  That was a bit of a shock, as artic and albino wolves are minorities and though Palara generally doesn't care what you look like- with exception to rogues and Cain from her being red- white wolves didn't normally get higher up ranks. "Wait... why do they have ranks? Why do they have armor in general? Are they part of the army? But that's impossible why would the army be involved?"


While Cain was distracted in her thoughts Lue pulled out some duct tape and started toward her. "Now, you're gonna listen to me and let me get you ready to go. Others are waiting for you," He bared his teeth and moved the spear closer to her eye, "and if you don't behave, you'll be half blind as well as a tied up slave."

Cain merely glared at him as he tightly wrapped the tape on her snout, clicking shut the muzzle and throwing on the spiked and shock collar. "Now then." He clipped on three chain leashes, a cocky and amused grin painting his face and allowed her to stand.



1053 words.

Sorry  for not being able to make a  new chapter as often but here ya go. Longer than most of them. Also sorry for grammar and spelling, I'm on a phone most of the time and it's easier to see the mistakes when they get published. Just tell me about them and I'll get to it when I can. I am also not sure why but sentences and paragraphs seem to be repeating, they don't show up in editor so please ignore them. Thank you.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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