Part 4

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Cain woke up a few days later with a splitting headache. She was in some kind of pit, with her dead pack mates below her. 'I must have been in some kind of coma?'  She thought unsure if she could even believe it. But from the smell of these wolves she was right.  'The ones who attacked must have known I was alive... maybe they thought I would stay in a coma and just die from malnutrition? ' That was the only explanation she could think of.  'Wait... Why... Why are there only 32 bodies?'  Obviously one of those missing bodies was hers but... 'Where's Marcus?!'

She followed his scent as long as she could, which wasn't far, until he had apparently crossed a river. Smart but now she couldn't find him. She washed her own scent and urinated in the water before heading off. 

Cain heard the noise and smelled the smell before she saw what it was. The city. Ugh. Rogue wolves hate  the city. So many strangers, so much noise, too many smells. It was confusing and unnatural. The wolves stood on two legs, some wore clothes. She had tried on some 'clothes' before and... ugh! They felt so caging and weird. She felt like she was trapped and tore them apart.

She walked through a town of strangers in her feral form, earning plenty of confused and disgusted looks. along with some curious ones. Mostly from young cubs who had never seen her or a feral wolf. But the pups were so cute! One of them was only about 3 months and still had little chubs in his cheeks! She wanted to just give him kisses and snuggle him! 'No. You know you can't do that. Mother wolves are very protective, even Anthro ones.'   She kept herself in check and continued on. Eventually a wolf came up to her and changed into feral form.

"You know it's dangerous to be around here as a feral, especially in wolf form." She said.

"It's just so... unnatural." Cain replied.

"I know you ferals think that but it really is safer if you become Anthro. Please, I don't want anyone hurt around here. This area is often busy and filled with pups." The wolf said before changing and moving off. She came back with a black cloak and shin high high heels. "Here. Take these. Please just appease the wolves here. It will make your life so much easier." 

"Thank you." Cain spoke as the lady ran off.

Cain moved off into an alley to shift. 'First time for everything, I suppose'  She thought calming down. She imagined herself as an Anthro. Her bones grew and cracked, tearing flesh then regrowing it. The pain was unbearable, but she held fast to the silence to keep herself concealed. 

After that mess she threw the cloak behind her, buttoned the front and pulled on the hood. Then she slipped the boot onto her feet and buckled them. (Though it took a few tries to stand and move her hands since she was not yet used to them) The boots had fur in the inside and were surprisingly quiet. It had a heel but didn't make the clicking sound and it cushioned her fall when she jumped.

Cain exited the alley way and looked for a... what did they call it? a job, that was it. Unfortunatly, only one place was hiring that would take a feral. Some kind of circus thing. Whatever a circus was.

She sighed, having no where else to go and needing... what was it? Whatever they used to get things... money? That might be what it's called. She shrugged off the thought as it was not important and walked in.


Only 645 Words this time, My pc is getting pretty warm and I'd rather it not blow up. And I kind of ran out of inspiration for right now.

Sorry ;3

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