Part 1

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    Lazily sprawled on her rock, Cain stretched out on her belly soaking up the sun. She could tell it was going to rain in a bit, as the scent of rain water drifted by her nose and the clouds were tinted a dark grey.

"Cain! Come on, today's hunters are on thier way back and it's about to rain!" Cain's friend, Marcus, called. Cain and Marcus both grew up together since their mothers were very close friends. They were both hunters and had the day off, so while Cain laze about Marcus help the patrols. Suck up.

"Ugh. I'm coming Marcus. Calm down."

"Hurry! I'm starved and I heard they brought in a great bounty today!" Marcus told Cain about the odd scent he got during patrols as they walked on.

"It smelled like one wolf but... also like a whole pack. It was weird."

"How many tracks were there?" Cain asked, her curiosity keeping her engaged in the story.

"That's the weirdest part! There was only one pair of wolf tracks!"

"Maybe it was just another patrol wolf? One of ours or one from another pack?" Cain replied.

"But the thing is the wolf didn't have the scent of a pack." Now that was odd. All wolves have a scent that identify them to a pack. And of this was a loner the wolf wouldn't have multiple wolf scents.

"Bring it up with the Alpha later, perhaps. But right now I smell a caribou!" Cain yiped and ran ahead to camp as the hunters brought in a plentiful hunt pile.

A huge caribou, five or six rabbits and a small deer. For 10 wolves it was an amazing hunt. There was 34 wolves in the pack. 2 alphas, 2 betas (one for each alpha) who acted as advisers and guards, 15 hunters, who alternated five hunters getting a day off at a time  and 15 patrols, who had the same rule as the hunters, any wolves on break were scattered near the camp in case there was an attack.

The two alphas came down to take thier share and give the daily news as the others took turns getting food. Betas first, on duty hunters and patrols second and off duty hunters and patrols last.

"Hunters have brought in a very plentiful hunt today! After everyone gets thier share we will give the ThankYou Howl and my mate will share today's news." The Alpha male, Derek, called after taking two legs for him and his mate. The betas took the two front legs on the caribou, the on duty hunters and patrols took the rest of  the caribou and the off duty wolves took the deer. Cain and Marcus share the six rabbits as they usually do.

The female alpha stood up and began the ThankYou Howl as the other joined in.

As the howls died down everyone dug in while the anouncments were given.

"Today's patrols brought in a bit of disturbing news. A single wolf's scent was discovered on the western side so be on alert. Spring is almost upon us and with spring comes the new young ones. Everyone must be weary of the pregnant she wolves and be sure not to kill pregnant deer, elk, moose or caribou. Keeping this tradition ensures plentiful food for the rest of the year. After diner everyone is to head to thier dens as a storm is on its way." The She-Alpha nodded and finished her meal before returning to the den with her mate and the betas.

After finishing the rabbits Marcus and Cain decided to play in the forest for a bit while everyone else was finishing up dinner.

Spotting a low branch Cain called Marcus over. "There's no way you could reach that branch." Marcus said smirking, knowing Cain would try anyways and fail. The rain had started lightly and the branch was shaking a bit.

"Try me!" Cain yelped jumping up and... getting stuck hanging over the branch.

Marcus wheezed in laughter at the sight, "I mean, haha, you still", he snickered, "made it. Haha!"

Groaning in defeat Cain yiped at him to shut his muzzle and help her down but before he could the branch broke. Shaking her fur Cain nipped his ear playfully and started home.

Reaching the dens they said goodnight and parted. Cain circled on her bed of soft sticks, wet leaves, and moss she made this morning before laying down.

Huffing, her eyes heavily fell and she drifted into a disturbed sleep.


Her fur was soaking. The red sticky substance was drenching her orange-red coat. Her vision blurred and red on the edges. She looked around seeing her packs bodies littering the ground. Her eyes continued to travel until they landed on Marcus. He was fighting of an entire pack. "The one who did this" Cain snarled. Marcus soon went down and Cain made the most terrifying growl she had very heard. Charging at the wolves she tore one of their necks open before a shock of pain rippled through her from her stumach. She went down seeing the red eyes before the monsters teeth lunged at her turning the world black.


854 Words.

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