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You've torn me down, you've told me beautiful lies. You promised me a happy life.

But you killed me, in a way. I was a dead body walking around as your puppet in your masterful game. You were never going to give me those things you promised. You are a dirty liar, and I hope that the police find you. You deserve all you're going to receive for this.

As for me? I've healed, I've made amends. I'm going to graduate soon, and my sister's going to be in the stands, cheering me on like a little sister should. She's going to be a sophomore in high school next year, and as much as I wish I could be there to see her experience it all, I know I'll be where I'm supposed to be. Fulfilling God's plan for me.

I'm going to college. I'm going to start a life, have a family, a good job, and real, true love. I know that everyone in my life loves me, and I won't ever forget it. My life is good, I've healed myself.

And I'm going to always remember you. But don't expect me to come running, ever again. I hope you rot in a jail cell. And where will I be?

In the Bahamas, or someplace nice, with a life I've worked hard to deserve. The life I'll have earned.

You ruined me, but it's like they say. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I made myself stronger.

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