Chapter 10 ~ Pavements

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Your POV
Mycroft led me out of the building, while Mr Watson and Holmes follow murmuring behind us. I look over to check their who I think they are; Mycroft talks about his younger brother a lot as well as Mr Watson, when I look over I see the two of them staring back at me causing silence. We soon break eye contact as I look forwards again allowing them to go back to their not so quiet argument whispers.

We step over some rubble as a harsh wind cuts my face causing me to pull the blazer tighter around my shoulders, it seems a lace dress isn't the best thing to wear in the cold. We proceed to walk back from building down a worn out cobble path coated in the same leaves that are on the hem of my dress. We turned a corner an I saw a tree and that was when it came back to me, I kept walking down the path till we reached civilisation.

Mycroft released his arm from around my waist and we sat on the edge of the pavement, while John and Sherlock sat next to me on the curb "shouldn't we call Greg or something, I mean we have two unconscious men who kidnaped someone lying on some tiles a couple hundred yards away" Mycroft shook his head at this while wrapping his arm around me again while Sherlock eyed him curiously.

"Who's Greg?" this resulted in John realising an annoyed breath,
"Lestrade Sherlock, that's his name. Not Gary, Greg. But aside from that shouldn't we call him, he is the police" Mycroft reached into him pocket pulling out a cigarette "We are the government John we tend to handle matters a little differently, they will be taken care of, I can assure you" He said the last part looking down at me, I predict they will be left with some very angry failed agents.

He went to light the cigarette but I took it out of his hand before he could, him handing me his light while he went into his pocket to get another; I don't usually smoke, but I think I'm aloud one considering the circumstances. As I was drawing in admiring Mycroft's choice of cigarettes I saw Sherlock lean forwards, someone wants one, but I was brought back to reality when Mycroft lit his breathing out a large puff of smoke.
We sat here for another minute till a van pulled up and a team of men walked past us heading to the building@, John staring at them Sherlock talking the moment to inhale a large breathe of our smoke whereas I leaned my head on Mycroft's shoulder.

"Before you ask John they will be taking the men to their temporary accommodation, that is after they've woken them up; usually takes a while. But for us it is time to go" as he said this as the same black car pulled up in front of us casing us all to stand up, chucking my cigarette on the floor I stood on it with the tip of my shoe as did Mycroft, and we linked arms and walked to the car.

Mycroft opened the door for me as we unlinked arms and I sat in the middle seat next to Sherlock who continued to stare out the window, and Mycroft sat next to me taking my hand staring out the window as I did the same. The journey was still and silent apart from when Mycroft would go to look at his brother and turn back in displeasure to the window , due to John and Sherlocks smirks. They finally left after the long drive with John giving us thanks and Sherlock leaving while mentioning something about a nonexistent chemical defect.
I think I must have been in a daze as when the car stopped Mycroft's hand released from mine as he went out of the car, while I was transfixed on the sight out of the window; A massive Victorian house took over the whole of the window as well as my sight. My haze was soon broken as Terry the driver opened my door allowing me to step out, Mycroft opened the front door and I followed him into what I thought, and was fairly certain was a palace.

I followed him into the living room and just stared at everything in awe, this soon grabbing Mycroft's attention as he thought it best to brake my daze "Due to the recent events you will be staying here tonight as I feel your flat is not safe enough for you to stay in considerin-"

"Didn't your mother tell you it was bad to lie?" I interrupted what we soon turn into him rambling, leaving him mouth agape for a second. "I understand why you stopped seeing me, it's fine you don't need to ramble onto it. Your forgiven" this caused him to instantly let out a breath and swoop me up into his arms, while he kept muttering thanks in my ear.

A few hours passed of conversation over dinner before I began to grow tired, yawning Mycroft realised "I'll show you to your room, a box of clothes and necessities are in the room. I hope you sleep well" he kisses me on the cheek before I go into the room he led me to. Turning on the light I'm met with a large queen sized bed, fitting in with the rest of the house design, walking over to the bed I see an ivory box and open it to be reunited with my belongings. I swiftly change into my pyjamas and walk into the connected bathroom to brush my teeth before climbing into bed and snuggling into the white silk covers getting warm.

I turn off the lamp by me bed, and gasp in shock but quickly calm myself as I thought I saw something move by the bed on the floor. Just nothing, I reassure myself dismissing the black haze that scampered across the carpet.

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