Chapter 9 ~ Whispers

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Mycroft's POV
We followed the trail until we were taken to some sort of back entrance, well it was a whole in the concrete that was concealed with ivy closing of the leaf path and any other forms of nature. Stepping over some broken wood we entered the dark building riddled with damp captivating our nose, and the dark claiming our sight; but daylight was ahead. Stepping cautiously, each time we caused a crunch of glass until we walked out of a wooden archway, turning my brother shot a look at me "I believe their is more to this building, isn't their brother"

"Ember veil, a training base in one of yorkshires most forgotten forests; privately owned of cause. Built in the late 18th century, the exterior was stripped of the paint to put people off as it was used by the government to recruit agents for a predicted upcoming world war. Now days potential agents will be sent here, each expected to become one of the finest; but it hasn't gone to plan. This use to be a working efficient system, but now agents who originate from here are failing and so are many potential agents. As you know, Miss [y/l/n] was sent here to determine whether it should be shut down."

Your POV
I've been clawing at this door for at least two hours, well when I say clawing I mean kicking, hitting and I've even started insulting it. And at long last the very thin metal door, seems to have a dent in it.

Lying on the floor I stare at the now familiar concrete celling, I turn my head to my left and stare at the matching solid cold wall; bingo. Leaning my head against the floor to check again, I push up off the dirt floor and start knocking across the wall to confirm my theory; I'm on the ground floor of an 18th century building. I prance back down to the dent I've caused in the bottom of the door and inhale; water, it been sitting for a while but nature got in. I go back over to the left wall and start knocking, that's the trouble with old building the wall paper falls and the plaster cracks; then nature worms it's way through the bricks. All it takes is one tiny crack; this isn't concrete, it's old, cold plaster. And it's starting to crack all over the building. Natures already outside my door in the next room.

I can break the walls
Well that didn't go terribly well. After punching the wall the door finally opened with a creak, turning my eyes meet with a pair of dark brown orbs belonging to a man at least double my size. I moved to the corner of the room as he stepped closer to me, he squats i front "we were only going to hold you here for a few days, but seems your a feisty one" he smirks. He roughly grabs my wrists and tie the behind my back with a piece of cloth. "See you in three days, of by the way how's the head?" He walks out locking the door behind him with a chuckle.

He didn't seem to friendly, and really a rag to tie my wrists; how boring. But seriously he plans on leaving me here for days and only ties my hands, what an idiot; seems this place really does need closing down.

Mycroft's POV
We continued walking till Sherlock found something "look, on the table. Her bag, she's here ... but why?" We walked up to the table, John peering in her bag which earned him a slap on the arm from me "Never look in a lady's bag" this caused sherlock to stop spinning round the room "Shut up! Just for a second... just" we all were quite and then we heard a door open from our left and the patter of feet.

"You mean to tell me you used a rag from you pocket, good lord. She's awake and you restrict her with that, you idiot you know what she can d-" as the footsteps and voices entered the room I met the gaze of the Major, I stepped forwards causing the muscular man behind him to take a step back "Well, odd to see you here in the building derelict remains"
Sherlock was walking and checking a few door frames, he's figured it out and so have I "Trying to buy time? Tell me what's it like I've neve-"

"Well isn't this a revelation, honestly you want something doing do it yourself" this caused a shocked expression to cloud the majors face while Sherlock stuck his head out of a door way as John did the same on the opposing side. My eyes look up and across from me there she was she proceeded to walk towards us giving me a smile which I returned, causing Sherlock to smirk.

"You owe me a new dress, this one has a few scrapes and if you have even peered in my bag I will hurt you" she said pointing a finger at the Major and his worker while burning holes in them with her glare. She swiftly turns around and peers inside her handbag, taking out her lipstick, opening with a pop and applying a new coat; causing me, my brother and John to smirk. She walks back up to them rubbing her lips together then shutting it with a firm click making the men jump.

"You had your warning, I'm sure your mother told you not to look in a lady's bag" and with that she head butted the Major straight in the centre of his forehead causing him to fall down, creating a loud smack on the tiles. She then stood on her tiptoes and smiled up to the man wrapping an arm round her waist as she put a hand on him arm, causing all three of us to stare at her in shock. Walking him to the Major she whispered loud enough for us all to hear "And your just stupid" and with that she squeezed on the back of him neck and he was out like a light. He fell on the Major with a thud and we all looked at her in shock "I like things neat, I also think he may have the broken ribs and a broken arm" she smiled up at me.

Sherlocks smirked at her from the arch while John stepped forwards "Which one has the injures?"
She broke eye contact with me and we stopped smiling, as I placed my blazer on her shoulders and stared at John "both"

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