Chapter 20

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"If you weren't a dark and powerful mage, I'd tan your hide!" Scenna screams at me the second I reappear. "How did you expect me to explain to a group of cutthroats that their leader, who is supposed to be the embodiment of evil, is also an ardently lovestruck fool for a Princess on the right side of the law and thus can't travel with us all to Erlund?"

"I'm back now, Captain," I say with a shrug, giving her frustrated face's cheek a pat. "Let's go out and talk with them."

"I don't know how Kyla puts up with you," Scenna remarks, shaking her head at me. "So did you let her see you then? I assume so."

"We may have seen each other... briefly," I say, trying to conceal a sheepish grin. "I told her about what you and I are attempting and our suspicions. I also apologized to her and I think we're in better off for it."

"You left out that you did more than talk! You were gone for ages." Scenna is too fast at reading people. I wonder if she has magical abilities of her own sometimes. "You two are insane!"

"It didn't turn out the way you're thinking." or maybe it did. "I believe it helped her out a little to see me while the Dark Lord wasn't possessing me," I add.

"Rift, you know where this is going and you're either cruel, an idiot, or both," Scenna snaps.

"And you're not at all a hard ass," I sarcastically quip back at her. "C'mon, let's get this over with. I better smooth things over with the 'cutthroats', as you call them."

With a huff, Scenna follows after me, her arms crossed over her chest indignantly.

I don't see what the problem is. At least my conscience isn't as mucked up when it comes to Kyla now. At least I had control of myself and had made things right.

But not for long, Rift. Change is in the air. Even now my power grows and you won't be able to stop me from controlling you soon. You and I both know you can only survive off of death and destruction, just as your mother had to.

"It's happening again, your eyes are glowing," Scenna says. "What is happening to you?"

I sharp pain goes through my head and I groan. I'm screwed. I'm losing control.

It's time for me to take control again, Rift, time for me to show you that you're nothing without me.

"Scenna, I want to experiment with something," I growl at her, through the Dark Lord's dialogue. I can divert him, and at best, stop him completely. Besides, this is something I've been wondering for awhile and it's worth a try.

"What?" she asks me.

"I need you to shoot me with your dart."

"Why would you want me to do that?" Scenna reaches for her weapon anyway, which I'll admit kind of hurts at her lack of qualms over raising her dart at me.

What do you think you're doing?

"Do it, dammit!" I roar at Scenna.

Scenna shoots. The dart going through me, blowing a hole in my abdomen. She carries a very specialized kind of dart that goes through the body and spreads a type of flesh-eating toxin out into the target, ensuring the kill.

Crimson appears in a growing stain on my shirt.

Damn, this hurts a fucking ton.

"Rift?" Scenna's eyes are wide with fear as she watches me fall over. "Did you just ask me to kill you?"

"Unlikely. Now run!" my voice comes out in a gargle, my blood spatters out from my throat onto her tunic. "Run! So I can't Scrouge you to heal. Don't let anyone else come in."

Scenna does as I tell her.

You think I'll let you kill us this easily?

"I wanna see you try, bitch," I hiss, coughing out more blood. "Give me your best. Watch me kill us both."

I liked your mother better. She wasn't impertinent to my will. She was so easy.

"You thought I'd just get down on my knees and suck your dick?" I mock him, chuckling despite my misery.

Can hardly think. Urge to Scourge something. Unbearable.

I can hear my mother laughing and suddenly I'm a child at the edge of death again. Her eyes glinting wickedly as she watched my organs failing me from her beating. "What are you going to do, my pathetic whelp? Are you going to die like the dog that you are?"

No, I don't want to die. Where will I go? I don't want to die.

My heartbeat rises, pumping out my blood faster.

My vision dims, but as it does so, I can see her. My mother. "I can help you, son," she says. "Look how sad you are! Look at all the pain that Princess has caused you? This is why I raised you the way I did. I never wanted you to hurt like this. I never wanted you to die. Take my hand. I'll stop the hurt."

So much pain. Don't want to die.

"NO!" I cough out the word. I rise up, clenching my teeth. The pain sears through my abdomen as I move. I lunge at her, but she's not there anymore. Is she a hallucination of death?

"My lord!" I hear a voice yell. I can feel the presence of life. A being I can suck energy from. The pain could go away.

No, resist.

My mother is in front of me suddenly, laughing at me. "You'll feel better soon. You are like me, living off of the chaos in the world, and this world, Rift, is filled with chaos right now."

The pain is gone. My vision clears and the vision of my mother completely disappears. I was correct in assuming I wouldn't die if I didn't have someone to Scourge. Good to know.

"My lord, what have you done to yourself?" it's one of the smugglers.

"It's not your business," I hiss at him, rising to my feet. My fingers trail over the gaping, bloodied tear through my shirt, but my flesh has completely healed. "What are you doing here? I didn't summon you."

"Forgive me, my lord, but the buyer is here and I was only trying to let you know," the smuggler says, his face contorting with fear. "I beg your mercy."

"You shall have it for now," I snap. With magic I repair my shirt and remove the blood stain. I clear my throat and straighten myself up. "Take me to the buyer."

Better luck next time, the Dark Lord snickers.

What he doesn't know is that I'm playing with him.

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