The Thinking Tree

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((Heyo!! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately, I was carried away with music, drawing, and stuff. (Mostly I have just been busy roleplaying with my good friends on ut amino haha) talking about ut amino! This story is actually kinda like bits and pieces taken from the roleplays that me and Geno have. Geno is actually pretty savage and meme-y, so don't think he is actually aftertale sans, okay?
((This story is a fanfiction, but it's more of a personal one, so not everyone will understand. Cause it's really cringey. Really. I'd tell you to not read ahead, but yaknow, I'm lazy like that :D))

It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing their quiet, sweet, melody, and the fall leaves were dancing to the sound. The trees were slowly swaying to the beat of the song, while the waterfall gave out the constant beat of the music. Everything was in sync. Even the girl in the tree somehow fit in with her surroundings.

She sat in that one tree, just resting. She wasn't asleep, no, she was just thinking. Like she had another world in her head, and she was participating in it. She had her earbuds in, although no sound was present in them. She had her sketchbook, yes, but she wasn't drawing. All she was doing was exploring in her little imagination of hers. Oh, my bad, I forgot I didn't tell you this. Her mind isn't like a normal one, her imagination isn't "little" no no, her imagination is much bigger. Larger than any mortal could handle.

This girl was interesting, everyone thought so. Well, everyone thought she slept with her eyes open, but some, more younger than the others, thought that she was a mythical beast, hiding herself in trees.

The girl had some friends, but not many. Most people she would just scare off with her eyes that saw the world more than a greyscale, polluted place. Her eyes were full of wonder, full of potential. Even though her eyes look the same as anyone else's, they always had that colorful aura around them. Around her. The girl's name was Wild.

Despite all of the fear and hate she felt in others, she was calm and collected. Sitting in her special tree, asking questions that do question every single existence. And even with all of her wonder, she managed to make some friends. Friends that look out for her, that ask the same type of questions.

It's been nearly two hours, and Wild was tired. She doesn't get much sleep, because all of her question awaken her. All of her adventures in her mind keep her up. She doesn't mind, she at least gets some sleep. But this time she was extra tired. She slowly brought her adventure in her world to a pause, and she slowly closed her eyes.


Wild jumped, almost falling out of the tree in alarm. Her eyes were already jolted open in fear, so she pointed them at the sound where she heard the scare. There she saw a figure dressed in black in white, with a red scarf and a big red slash across their chest. The figure was no human, Wild knew. The figure was a skeleton, but Wild already knew that.

"Why do you always have to scare me like that?" Wild asked in her accent-tinted voice.

The figure just shrugged. Wild playfully punched the figure's arm, her way of getting revenge. The figure then surprisingly punched her back, but harder. Wild stopped, trying to ignore him. She closed her eyes again, trying to go back in her own world. The figure didn't like this kind of attention, and pushed Wild out of the tree, and onto the ground. "GENO!!" Wild yelled, standing up. The figure smiled, looking down at his friend. Wild grunted, brushing off the dirt from her shorts.

Geno laughed. He climbed up to Wild's previous sitting, and sat right in her special spot. "Mine," he said, trying not to let out a giggle. Wild climbed up the tree and pushed him off harder, determined to get her thinking spot back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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