'Then we question people,' Leyla told me. 'The people who know of Tempest's existence.'

'There might be one person,' I thought back to Walter's call with Felicity. 'And I think I know where she may be.'


'Hi, it's... Felicity Smoak, right?' I approached my newest victim of interrogation friendlily with a smile.

'Do I... Know you?' Felicity turned, a look of recognition on their face.

Somehow she knew who I was, but why? Did she recognise me from the SCPD?

'My name is Aria,' I carried on my introduction. 'Aria Coleman. I work in the Forensics Department at the SCPD.'

'Oh, I know who you are!' Felicity exclaimed, before turning to utter sadness. 'Sorry, I remember you from the... Funeral. Isaac, the... Guy who used to work here-'

'I know who you're talking about,' I tried to carry on smiling as a way to reassure her and stop her from feeling bad. 'Don't worry about it. Isaac was a good guy; I understand why you would know him, since he worked for Queen Consoidated in IT, like you.'

'He wasn't just an IT guy, he was the best computer scientist I have met in a long time,' Felicity praised Isaac's past work. 'He became the Assistant Head of the Computing and Statistic Department, whereas I've always just been a regular IT girl.'

'Well, I'm sure you'll move onto greater things,' I started to warm to Felicity, her bubbly, comedic personality making it hard for me to want to get information out of her.

I was starting to like her, which greatly hindered my inquisition.

'Anyway, what exciting things do you do here?' I tried to carry on. 'Moira tells me that the company is always busy with new investments and projects.'

'You know Moira Queen?' Felicity asked me, looking shocked. 'Like, in person?'

'Yes, I'm friends with the Queens,' I nodded. 'I... Just celebrated Christmas with them this year.'

'So now I know who the girl is who Oliver talks abou-' Felicity stopped herself, closing her eyes in embarrassment. 'Sorry, it's just, he mentions you a lot...'

'It's fine,' I laughed slightly, causing Felicity to smile instead of worry. 'But you could be mixing me up with a Laurel Lance?'

'I wouldn't be so sure of that,' Felicity murmured just audibly. 'Anyway, I really got backtracked there. What did you want to talk to me about?'

'I was wondering if you knew anything about an organisation me and... The SCPD are investigating,' I started, trying to be as unsuspecting as possible. 'They go by the name Tempest.'

'...Tempest?' Felicity conferred with me, her face falling rapidly. 'I have... Never heard of Tempest before. Tempest...?'

'Felicity,' I said softly, trying to gain her trust. 'It's okay, you can tell me anything. I know you've only just met me, but I only want to help and protect the people around me, like you do. I just need more information.'

'Well, I guess you are trying to help,' Felicity convinced herself that I was trustworthy. 'But you cannot tell any of the SCPD about this, seriously. I don't really believe you are doing this for the SCPD anyway, but I think I can trust you. Well I hope so, anyway, because a few weeks ago, I found that Mrs Queen had transacted over two million dollars to a company called Tempest.'

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