Chapter 2 Home sweet home

Start from the beginning

All of the spectators were smiling and at that point Mr. Urquhart walked over to Harry. Ron, Hermione and Ginny raised their wands but Harry told them to lower them. When Mr. Urquhart was in front of him he offered Harry his hand and he shook it.
"It is ok Harry that you don't want to tell us." He told Harry "I know now that it is for the right reasons. I will ask my wife to stop badgering you about the issue and I hope that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley will also honor your request to leave the subject alone."
"Thank you Minister," Harry said "That means a lot to me."

"I have one final question for you Harry." Mr. Urquhart said.
"Have you thought about the offer my wife made?"
"No sir not yet," Harry said. "I wanted to talk about it first with my friends and with Ginny about it. But please tell her that as soon asI have made up my mind I will send an owl to her with my reply."

"I understand," Said the minister "And I will tell her. Good day to you all he said as he walked to the door. Oh I almost forgot. Arthur can you come by my office on Monday please?" Mr.Weasley's shock was on his face so the minister smiled. "It's nothing very serious just some things I want to discuss with you. Can you make it around 10 in the morning so you can still have a little sleep in and I will see you there."
"All right sir, yes sir, I'll be there sir." stuttered Mr. Weasley.
The minister smiled and walked out of the house, and just when he was outside the gate with a crack he disaperatted.

"Ok what do you want to discuss with us and why did you name Ginnyseparately?" asked Ron when the four of them were back in his room.
"Oh Ron," Hermione said. "Don't you get it. We are his friends but Ginny is his GIRLFRIEND." She said the last word just that little more extra so Ron would get the picture just a little bit faster.
"Well I hope she is." Harry added. Ginny smacked his arm and he laughed. "Did you really think I would give up on you that easy?" She asked.
"Well no," He said. "But than I must say I never gave up on you either. I always looked on the marauders map to look at where you were. I was horrified when I saw you in the dungeons alone because than I knew you were in trouble.
I almost apperated directly to Hogwarts to help you but I didn't because I knew that I could only help you by completing our mission."

Harry looked at the three persons that meant the most to him.
"Okay, what McGonagall asked me was if I was gonna return to Hogwarts for my seventh year and complete my NEWTS." He said.
"Is she joking." Came Ron's reply. "We have done more with the six years study than most would do in a life time they should give us all our NEWTS right away."
Hermione looked at Harry and said. "That's not all she asked is it?"

"No,"Said Harry. "She wanted me to return for my Seventh year to complete my education so when I left Hogwarts in the summer it would only be for a month, so I could return in September as the new Defense against the dark arts teacher."
"Harry that is great." Said Hermione.

Ron looked at her and said. "Are you joking Hermione that job is jinxed. No teacher ever lasted more than a year and a few even died."
Harry looked at Ron.
"Ron, I didn't needed the reminder about the death part," He said, "because for one account I am responsible for that teacher's death."
"No you were not." Ginny said. "it's because Voldermort was on Quirrel's head that he died. It is his fault not yours." She looked furious at Ron, "And if you say one more thing about this you wish you hadn't."
"Sorry." Ron said is a low whisper.
"But Harry didn't you want to become an Auror?"Hermione asked.
"I did, but now I don't know." Harry said.
"Teaching in the DA was really great and when I think about it, I think I have seen enough war and dark wizards to spare me a lifetime."
"I think it would be wonderful for you to teach." Said Ginny, " You were really good at it and a lot of us are here today because of what you have taught us in the DA."
"Well mate I must say that I can't blame you for wanting a quite life after what we have been through this year, even I don't want to be an auror anymore so I would say go for it."

Harry looked at Hermione and she just was looking back. "Do you really want my opinion or are you gonna guess it?" She asked.
"Well," He said, "I think you would like me to take the job offer but not next year but this year. Like I do know enough to teach the first six years and I could get my own classes with the other seven years. Am I right?" Harry said
She smiled. "You know me so well, yes you are right." she said.
"I think that McGonagall will be pleased if you accept for next year, but I will write my own letter to her to ask for my own return and that you should start teaching the first to six years from the start of this year."Hermione told him.

"Well you only have to write her about the teaching than." Harry said with mystery in his voice.
Hermione, Ron and Ginny looked a bit puzzled.
"When she asked me if I wanted to return I wanted to know if that also was meant for you two. She wanted me to ask you if you would want to come back and give your replies with my own.
So what do you say Ron? Are you up for one more year at Hogwarts?"Harry asked
Ron face lit up like Christmas had come early.
"Are you kidding me? I would love that. Not many students get a year off and can come back to complete their studies." Ron said with joy.
Hermione looked at Ron and he started laughing.

Harry and Ginny joined him and finally Hermione got the joke and joined in the laughter.
"Ron you fool" She said, "I really thought you were serious."
"No that would be me." Came a voice from the door.

All four looked in shock at the door and there stood the source of their shock.

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