Harry potter and the war of life

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Harry waited a few seconds as he noticed the shiver. "So thank you all for your support and the applause you gave us when we entered is more for you than it is for us." With that said Harry, Ron and Hermione started clapping, soon to be joined by the rest of the people in the great hall.

"That was some speech you gave there Harry, " Mr. Weasley told him after the applause had faded and everybody returned to the cleaning and repairs, "but forgive me for asking but why can't you tell us now what you three have been doing since you disappeared from the wedding."
"That is because we promised professor Dumbledore that we wouldn't, sorry sir." Harry replied.
"But professor Dumbledore is dead Harry and the war is over." Mr. Weasley began. "I think it will be alright if you told us now."

"I am sorry sir but I won't tell you and I don't think Ron or Hermione will tell you either. We promised and we want to keep that promise. Even if the war is over. The thing is sir that what we needed to do included some very dark magic and we don't want anybody to know what that dark magic was." Harry explaint.
Mr. Weasley wanted to say something but Ron stopped him.
"Dad please give it up. We promised we would not tell a soul what we were to do and we will keep that promise. It is like Harry said, it doesn't matter that the war is over or Dumbledore is dead. We promised and that is that.
Now what can we do to help?" Ron asked.

"Help?"Professor McGonagall asked, "what do you mean help?"
"Well,"Said Harry, "there is a castle that needs to be rebuilt so where can we help?"
"But dear boy you just came out of a fierce battle don't you want some rest.
You don't need to help Harry you have done enough already by defeating Voldermort." McGonnagal told her old student.

"NO I want to help we all did a lot and I don't see you taking some rest." Harry Said.
"So were can we help. Oh wait I see something." And off he was. Harry pointed his wand and said the reparo spell. The window were Grawp was looking through the night before sprang back to its original glory. "Ok what's next?"He said
"Mr. Potter STOP" Came the voice of professor McGonagall.
"What?" Said Harry.
"I want you totake a day off now go." She said.
"Only if we all take a day off." Came Harry's reply.
"What? But that's,"McGonagall began.
"Insane?" Harry ended her sentence.
"I was going to say impossible but I think insane is also possible"Said McGonagall.

"Harry walk with me." She said in a voice that said it wasn't open for debate so Harry followed. Ron started walking over. "Only Mr.Potter please you may wait here Mr. Weasley" McGonagall said, and she and Harry left the great hall and went through the big wooden doors out off the castle.
"Harry please listen to me," McGonagall started. "When you bordered yourself in your dormitory last night the rest of us had a long conversation about what we wanted to do. The thing is that most of the people here don't want you to help with the repairs." She told Harry.
"But I want to help." Harry interrupted.
"I know you do, but keep in mind that a lot of people here saw you defeat Voldermort. They think that you and your friends are heroes and a hero does not get his hands dirty with something like repairs." McGonnagal explaint to Harry who could not believe what he was hearing.
"So you just want us to sit and be nice is that it?" Harry asked angrily.
"I won't do that. It is because of me that the castle is in this state so I need to help, and I won't take no for an answer." He added

McGonagall smiled at him, which Harry never could get used to. "I already told the rest that this would be your reaction but they insisted that I tried. So I propose a deal."
"A deal?" Harry asked. "What do you mean professor?"
"You want to help and we want you to take it easy so let's make a deal."McGonnagal said with a bit of joy in her voice.
"If you want to help than you only help after lunch. That way you can have a sleepin every day and take the mornings off so you can take it easy. I can tell you that this will apply also for Mr. and Miss Weasley and for Miss Granger. After lunch you can help us with the repairs on the castle and the grounds. Is that a deal?" She asked.

Harry thought about it for a moment and said.
"Deal, but I have two conditions. First of all we don't get the easy jobs just so we think we are helping.
Second when we ask one of the adults to come with us like for a visit in Hogsmeade they will come with no objection."
McGonagall face was unreadable for Harry but in the end she said. "Deal."

Harry wanted to turn around but McGonagall walked on towards the lake. "We still have some hours before lunch Mr. Potter," She said,"perhaps we could have a walk around the lake and I want to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

"Sure,"said Harry. "but one moment please." as he turned
"Kreacher" He called and with a crack the elf appeared. "Master called Kreacher, Kreacher comes to serve master. What can Kreacher do?"
"I need you to tell Ron and Hermione that I will be back for lunch and that they don't need to worry about me. Also tell them that they are not allowed to do any work untill I return. Oh and could you also tell that to Ginny for me?" Harry said.

"Kreacher tells masters friends what master said." With another crack Kreacher was gone.

Harry turned to McGonagall and they started walking.

"What do you want to ask me professor, Harry started. If it is about what Ron, Hermione and I were doing the past year I won't tell you."He said. "I'm sorry." He added fast.
"No, that is not what I wanted to ask you Harry. I know that professor Dumbledore has put you three on a quest he started but that is all I need toknow." She told Harry
"I wanted to ask if you would consider returning to Hogwarts next year to complete your education and like I said this morning you still need to take your NEWTS.
I know that is a lot to ask for now and that you have done more than most wizards or witches will do in a lifetime but still I need to ask it." Professor McGonagall looked at Harry with some anticipation as she was not asking what she really wanted to ask him.

"Second thing I want to ask you is, and that is why you need your NEWTS. When you are done with your exams will you consider the job of Defense against the dark arts teacher?"

Harry stopped and stared at McGonagall

"You're joking right?"

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