Chapter 8

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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Harry cried, racing around his parents' legs as they fumbled around for their coats. "Stephen's waiting!"

"Slow down, Harry." Lily chided gently. "Stephen can wait three more minutes." She pulled her coat down from the hook on the wall and pushed her arms through the sleeves.

James slipped his wand into the hidden sleeve in his dress shirt. "Does it look like I have a stick of wood in my sleeve?" He joked.

Lily gave him a look. "It's fine, honey." She followed James' movements, tucking her wand up her sleeve. Looking at Harry, she groaned. Having decided his parents were taking too long, Harry took matters into his own little hands and tried to tie his shoelaces. Pulling out her wand, she managed to undo all the knots, and muttered "Funisio." The laces tied themselves up in a normal knot.

"Thanks, Mum." Harry said, grinning. Grabbing his coat, he slipped his arms through the sleeves and waited for his dad to zip him up.

"All ready?" James asked.

"I believe so," Lily replied. James stuck out his hand and Lily grabbed it, holding on to Harry's hand tightly. James turned on the spot, and the Potter family Disapparated.


"Is this it?" James asked as they stood in front of a simple single-story home with bushes lining the sidewalk. The lights were on, and a cat wound around the garden statues lining the walk.

"It's the same address." Lily looked down at the paper in her hands. Phil and Eloise had called the Potter's the day after James had met them, and provided them with an address for their humble home.

After knocking on the door, Phil opened it with a wide smile. "Hello! Welcome here. You found the place alright?"

"Oh, yes." James replied, shaking his hand. "Thank you very much."

"You must be Mrs. Potter," Eloise appeared behind her husband, an apron covering her dress.

"Oh, please, call me Lily." She stuck out her hand and Eloise took it.

"Harry!" Stephen called from the direction of the kitchen. "I've got some books to read!"

Harry flung off his shoes and raced down the hall. "Harry!" James called. Harry ignored his father.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Phil said. "I'm just so happy they are such good friends."

Taking their coats, Phil ushered them into the living room. Eloise appeared, bringing tea and coffee. James and Lily thanked her as she poured them the warm drink.

"So," Phil said, sitting down. Eloise came out of the kitchen, and sat down beside him. "How did you two meet?"

James looked at Lily. "School, actually." He said. "We were in the same year."

"Which school did you attend?" Eloise asked.

"It's private school in Scotland," Lily answered, sharing a knowing look with James. "Very isolated."

"Eloise and I met at university," Phil said. "She was in my business course."

James reached for Lily's hand. "Lily hated me for the first six years at the school. Said I was too 'arrogant.'" He laughed. "Only went out with me in our last year."

The Alternate | A Harry Potter Original Fanfiction by AmeliapondicusWhere stories live. Discover now