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"Lily, take Harry and go! I'll hold him off!" James Potter grabbed his wand from the coffee table and ran to the front of the house. The locked clicked as Voldemort unlocked the door, and it swung open.

"Avada Kedavra!" He rasped, and James narrowly dodged the lethal Unforgivable Curse. He fired stun after stun at the Dark Lord, who kept waving them off as if they were a mere annoyance.

Killing spells followed James where he ran; the sink exploded in the kitchen and the window shattered.

"In a corner, are you, Potter?" Voldemort taunted. "Where to run?"

He brought his arm back: "Avada-"

James swung his wand at the same time: "Expelliarmus!"

The two powerful spells met in midair, and the sound was deafening as the Potter's house caved in.


"James? Please don't leave me alone with Harry." Lily begged James as she sat by his bed in St. Mungo's. Harry was babbling with his favourite toy: a soft plush of a Golden Snitch. Tears ran down Lily's face. "Please."

"James!" Remus burst into the room, terror on his face. His eyes took in the form of his friend on the bed, before moving to Lily. "Lily," he grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. "Lily, is there anything I can do?"

Lily sniffed and wiped her nose. "You can find Sirius." She said. "Keep him from doing anything stupid."

Remus nodded. "I'll try my best."

Their attention was brought back to James as he stirred. His eyes flickered open and looked around the room. His gaze landed on Remus, moved on to Lily, and then Harry. He sought Lily's eyes again. "Is Sirius here?"

Lily took James' hand gently. "Remus is going to try and find him." She smiled.

He didn't return the smile. "And where's Peter?"

The Alternate | A Harry Potter Original Fanfiction by AmeliapondicusWhere stories live. Discover now