Chapter 2

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 (Time skip back to Walter waking up)

 "Don't turn back guys. I mean it. What ever you hear... ignore it. There is nothing you can do." Walter said to us over the coms. Everyone looked to each other with fear in their eyes. Paige removed her earpiece and looked towards Cabe who was riding shotgun. 

"What are they going to do to him? He sounded..." Paige droned off looking at Cabe, hoping that she was wrong.

"We can't know anything for sure. He'll be fine. We will be as quick as we can and get him out before they can do anything," Cabe said removing his coms to speak before putting them back in; Paige copied but not because she wanted to, she wanted to be with her friend. Happy was driving, no one wanted to stop to change the drivers around, everyone just wanted to get back to base as quickly as possible. A few minutes later they heard Walter over the coms.

"Hello, my name is Walter. I highly doubt you have the mental capacity to speak because it looks like you have not evolved that far but if you can, what is your name? I like to think a lot and it would be nice to call you something other than 'the man'." Walter said not sounding the slightest bit afraid. Paige's skin ran cold. She looked to everyone else and saw the blood had drained from their faces as well. Toby was about to say something but Cabe spoke up first.

"What are you doing Walter! Don't antagonist him." Cabe said, his voice sounded like it had a false calm but anyone looking at him would know he was anything but. Happy's hands tightened around the steering wheel and the speed of the van picked up. They would be back at base in  a few minutes. Paige looked to Sylevester who looked as if he were close to having a panic attack, he looked how Paige felt. She moved closer to him and put a hand on his arm. 

"It's going to be okay, it's going to be..." Paige started to say before they heard Walter again.

"I guess that people with such low intelligence don't need names. They won't get anywhere in life."  He said, this time his voice sounded slightly different. Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the difference but Scorpion knew. Paige quickly looked to Toby who confirmed her fears. Walter was just making things worse for himself. 

"No, no, no Walt. You don't want to say that it will only just..." Toby started trying to get Walter to stop with the taunting but was interrupted by the sound of a grunt over the coms. If possible everyone went even more pale. The speed of the van picked up even more but there was no need, they were back at base.  They heard another grunt from over the coms. Paige couldn't help from crying knowing it was Walter who was is pain. Happy responded with an angry yell, stomping out of the car and over to9 the door to their base kicking it open, Toby started shaking slightly, Sylvester started to sweat even more, and Cabe, Cabe was the only one who didn't react. He just shut his eyes for a moment before walking inside. Everyone was inside by the time they heard the next sound, but it was different, this time it was a cry of pain. 

"Walter!" Paige said sobbing dropping to her knees covering her face with her hands. She was the only one who had an affect quite that bad. Everyone else seemed to have accepted this was happening.

"We won't get any work done if we are all listening to Walter. Everyone take out your coms so we can find him." Cabe said removing Paige's first before his own. Both Happy and Sylvester removed theirs at around the same time but Toby kept his in. 

"Someone needs to stay with him. I'm the shrink, I will do it then tell you when something changes." Toby said walking over to his desk and sitting down putting his head in his hands. Everyone nodded then got to work coming up with a plan, Paige wasn't much help, she couldn't stop shaking and sobbing but tried to help as much as she could. Everyone kept an eye on Toby, they knew each time something happened because whenever Walter let out a cry, Toby flinched. After a few minutes the cries stopped and Toby looked up. "It's stopped," He said looking at everyone in fear. He knew what that meant and everyone guessed. They couldn't help themselves, they put their coms back in to listen carefully. It was selfish but they needed to know what was next. After a minute they heard Walter speak.

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