Chapter 8 - Looking for a Solution

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"I think we all need to look into SUV's. Solomon states as he pulls out of the parking space. The guys agree and I'm thinking about it. If we're going to be spending this much time together, then I do need a SUV. We spend the ride to their house talking about the day and listening to the girls talk about what they were doing today like we didn't just watch them play all day. We get to the house and I tell them Amy and I need to go home. Everyone protests a little bit and finally make me promise to call or text when I get there.

Amy and I spend the rest of the evening on the patio relaxing. I order dinner in and we go to bed early. If I can spend days like this with the guys, I'll never let them go.

Monday proves to be a busy day for me. I'm glad that Amy's at school today or I would go crazy! When a last minute emergency at work pops up, I call Frankie to go and get her. As always, she's there to help.


We watch as she and Amy drive away. We walk inside and get Meg settled in front of the tv with her favorite movie before going into the kitchen to talk.

I step into the kitchen and watch Tyler as he opens the picnic basket and pulls everything out. Grey and I don't do anything in here because it's Tyler's domain. He keeps it exactly the way he wants it and we don't mess with it. He won't even let us wash dishes.

"What are we going to do? I know you two love her also," I sit down on the stool.

I watch Tyler as he moves the dishes to the sink and start filling it up with water, "I don't know. I thought one of us would start spending more time with her and she would pick, but that hasn't happened.

"Should we ask her to pick?" Grey asks.

"I don't know about that either. We could all lose her that way," I feel my gut stirring. I don't mind if she's with them as long as she's with me, but I don't know how to make that happen.

Meg walks into the kitchen, "Amy's Aunt Frankie is married to all of her uncles."

We all turn to her. Sometimes that child is just too smart for her own good.

"How do you know that?" Tyler asks.

"She told me. They had a wedding on the beach a couple of months ago. She showed me pictures and everything," She walks over to Tyler, "Can I have a juice?"

"Of course, sweetie." He walks over and gets her one out of the fridge and hands it to her.

She starts to walk out into the kitchen and stops, turns around and looks at all of us, "I love Ronnie. I want her to be my new mom." She turns and walks out of the kitchen.

We look at each other. Would it work?

"I thought something was different about their relationship," Grey rubs his hands together.

"Can we do this guys? Without the jealousy and whining?" I ask.

"It doesn't bother me to see her with one of you two. I'm sure if I saw her with someone else, it would be a different story," Tyler is drying the dishes now.

"Same with me. Maybe we should do some research before we make our final decision," Grey says. Tyler and I agree. I know that we are going to do this, because none of us can see our lives without her. We just have to figure out how we're going to do it. I go to bed tonight feeling a bit more optimistic.

I pull up to the school ready to see Ronnie today. I walk over to our area and she isn't there. I keep looking around for her and she doesn't show up. I wonder where she is. I look around for her one more time and I see Frankie and Rand come around the corner. Where is she? I try to text her, but I don't get an answer. I look at them and I see how he hovers around her protectively. I know that I want that for me and my friends.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon