Training in the Snow

Start from the beginning

     "Ah, why might you be doing that?" Mettaton asked, clearly wanting details. 

                 "I think you might need to talk with Alphys, there's been a lot of... stuff going on around here lately." I smirked walking past him and towards the door. "See ya MTT." I waved back at him before stepping into Hotlands. Now this, this was complete torture. Alphys had me put on all those layers for me to have to trudge through lava land. I considered taking the jacket off but I knew she had cameras everywhere and she'd have a fit if I did. I basically sprinted through Hotlands, trying to get out of there as fast as a could. Panting I leaned against one of the walls in Waterfall, thankfully here it was cool enough that I wouldn't die from heat stroke or something. It took about 5 minutes for me to recover from the running and the intense heat of Hotlands but I started heading through Waterfalls. I couldn't help but smile, looking at the echo flowers and being reminded of my mother. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to grow them on the surface....


     My smile grew as I heard the crunching of snow under my feet. I didn't see any other foot prints in the snow so either no one walked in this part of town or it had snowed recently. Since I had to pass some puzzles I'm guessing it had just snowed recently. I grinned looking back at the complete puzzle triumphantly, it was actually pretty fun!  The other times I had been in snowdin I didn't do the puzzle since one I was running for my life and the next I were being carried by a gaster blaster. I hummed walking up to the skeleton brother's house and knocking on the door. Within a second the door swung open.

           "HUMAN! I'M SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!!" Papyrus shouted excitedly as he picked me up for a bone crushing hug. 

        "I'm glad... to be ... here too..." I squeaked out. "But.. I need to breath...." Papyrus quickly understood, setting me down as I gasped for air. He laughed, I'm guessing this was a common thing for him and his friends. He started rambling off about all his preparations and how much training he's had as well as how he promises to go easy on me. "So are you ready to start?" I asked, half interrupting him. 

           "Well.... we have to wait for Sans and Undyne. Undyne really wants to be here for the fight and Sans went to get Frisk since we usually watch her for the king and queen during the day." Papyrus said rubbing the back of his skull. 

       "Ah, ok, I understand."

             "While we wait for them why don't we do a puzzle?" Papyrus suggested.

       "...yeah, sounds good."

             "Nyeh heh heh! Wait here Jade!" He said excitedly, bounding up the stairs. I giggled, flopping down onto the couch with a sigh. "Alright, here we go! I have a 5,000 piece puzzle for us to do!" I cringed internally. 5,000 pieces? That was going to take forever. Papyrus looked at me hopefully, his eye sockets almost sparkling with excitement and anticipation. I nodded, giving him the ok and he quickly moved their coffee table out of the way and poured all the puzzle pieces out on the floor. "Then let's get started!" 


      It took forever but we finally finished the border and were beginning to fill in the center. Papyrus was much faster at finding the right pieces then me but I tried to keep up. 

       "YO NERDS WE'RE HERE!" Undyne shouted, kicking the door open. I jumped slightly and Papyrus was on his feet in a second. 

          "YOU'RE HERE! NOW WE CAN TRAIN!" Papyrus eagerly yelled. Sans and Frisk strolled in behind the shouting fish. Frisk ran up to me, tackling me with a hug. I picked her up as I stood, Sans was already asleep on the couch and Papyrus and Undyne were continuing to shout at each other.

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