Chapter 13

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Shyla's P.O.V

"Shyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jack screamed and hugged me ever so tightly I couldn't breathe for 2 seconds. Rian just laughed and walked over to the fruit table. 

"Haha, Jack! Let go, this is a new dress." I slipped out of him and forced him to be 5inches away from me. "That's better."

"Hahahaha, sorry Shy! I'm just really happy to see you again! How you been, babe?" He ruffled with my fringe and pulled me to the stage infront of the hall.

"Been, better. Hmm, so why are we here?" I grinned at him as he picked up a mic connected to the speaker.

"Ohhh no no no. I know that tone." He unplugged the mic and came closer to me, forcing me to sit on the edge of the stage. "You know?! Rian told you?!?" He whispered in my face.

"What tone?! Comeon, Jack. How can you know what tone I 'm using? You only know me weeks from now!" I tried to hide my laughter as he stared at me, with disbelief.

"OKAY OKAY. RIAN TOLD ME." I laughed out loud and fell back on my back on the stage as Jack jumped up and started to pace around the stage, completely anxious.

"Nooooo, Shy. You cant know! I've planned a huge surprise for both you and Zabe! If you guys know already, my efforts would be futile. " Jack pouted and crawled in a ball in the middle of the stage.

"Haha, Jack Barakat. Don't be such a baby." I went to him and sat beside him, forcing him to sit upright. "If it makes you feel any better, Zabe doesn't know yet. I only knew by chance cus Rian couldn't keep his bloody mouth shut infront of me." 

"Really?!" Jack squeled. "That means I can still go ahead with the surprise!" He grabbed my shoulders. 

"Woaah woaahh, chill my boy. Why you so grippy today?" I smiled and he jumped up in glee. 

"Ohh, remind me to remove the piece of paper on the door before Zabe arrives. Dont wanna spoil the surprise!!" He danced around the stage, plugging in his guitar into an amplifier. 

He picked up two mics and turned it on.

"Princess Shyla of Hogwards, will you give me the honour to make people's ears bleed tonight?" And he handed me one mic. 

"First of all," I spoke into the mic. "I aint no princess. Secondly, SINCE WHEN DOES HOGWARDS HAVE A PRINCESS? Hogwards belong to Harry Potter, you idiot." I smacked him and he laughed out loud when I suddenly see Alex walking into the hall with a bunch of papers in his hands. 

Alex looked up at me and smiled, almost saying 'we cool?' in his eyes. I smiled back at him and looked back at Jack.

"So, let's make people ears bleed!! A 1! A 2! A 1, 2 3 4!!" And Jack played random notes on his electric guitar, mumbling all the shit words he could ever recall and I danced and sang awkwardly beside him on stage. 

Zabe's P.O.V

"Zabey why don't you go ahead, first? I'll go park the car. I'll be there in 5mins." Zack shouted through the window once I got out of the car. 

"Okay, better be fast. Or i'll get lost."

"Don't worry, babe. Just turn right at the corner over there. Don't have too much fun without me!" He drove off and I was left alone to find my way. 

I walked through the glass door and looked around. Not that hard, actually. The next thing I know, I was already making a turn into a hall. A paper pasted on the door read : "Performance in here, you crowd maniac.  Remind me to remove this later. Come find me behind the stage. LoveLoveLove, Jack."

Auuhh Jack that's just gay. Love Jack?! Haha! and who are the bunch of six? I tore the paper from the door and opened the wooden door to the hall. 

"Hello?! Jack? You in here??" I shouted at the empty hall, fully decorated. "Am I early?" Nobody answered. Where is everyone?

I walked up to a table and put down my bag. "Hey umm, Jack I know your behind the stage. I got your umm.. Paper on the door. What performance? Jack get the fuck out here!!" i screamed somemore and walked towards the stage.

Then I saw the huge banner at the back of the stage. 



"If this is what you think is honest, honestly. I think i'm gonna freak ouuutt~" Tay Jardine sang in the mic as she appeared from the curtains. 

"This isn't where i wanna, wanna be. I think I'll let myself out." Jordan came out of the curtains too with his guitar and sang to me.


I must be smilling like an idiot cus both of the smiled at me as if expecting me to say something. Tay laughed and continued singing " Show me the door, Oh! Cause I'm leaving the way I came in, with the mess i made. Tonight will be the one to set it off~" 

The rest of WATIC came on stage and started to play and I was just standing there like a fool smilling as Tay and Jordan sang to me. I looked around the hall to find I'm the only one there, so they must be singing to me. Haha!

I felt a hand slide behind my back and gripped me there. Zack. I smiled up at him and we both admired them rocking to Both Sides Of The Story.

"Your not quite Satan, But I really think I hate you." Tay sang the last sentence and grinned. "Hey, Zabe! We're WATIC and that was Both Sides of the story." She laughed as I jumped when she called my name.

"You know my name?" I asked completely dumbfounded.

"Well yeaaah! Zack here personally asked us come here to meet you!" Jordan spoke in his mic and played some random notes on his guitar.

"Your joking, right?" I shouted at them as Rob shouted back at me from behind the drums. 

"Not joking, hunny. you boyfriend here bought us for a week for you! He says you love us so much!" Rob got up from the Drums and walked to center stage to join the band laughing. Zack was even laughing beside me, hand still behind me.

"Haha, don't play with her guys. Ignore them, Zabe." Tay spoke up again. "We're actually here for a show and Alex and Zack asked us to come over tonight for dinner."

"Yeahh, and we heard you like us alot so Zack here asked if we would play for you a song." Jordan put down his guitar and smirked at me.

"We said hell yeah!" Cameron and Mike screamed into Tay's mic.

"Haha, you guys are awesome!" I laughed as I saw Tay's annoyed face beside Cameron and Mike.

"Awww, your such a sweetie. Thanks. But we're not as good at the boner band! " Tay smiled. 

"Taylor! For the thousandth time we're called All Time Low! Not the boner band!" Jack came up stage screaming.

"Naaaauuhh Jack. You guys should be called the boner band since you always get a boner when you see me." Everyone on stage laughed but Jack.

"That aint true!" Jack wailed. "Ohh, Hi Zabe!" Jack pretended to notice me only now. "So what do you think?? Huuhh huuuh??" Jack smiled as he waved his hands around the band.

"Thanks guys for bringing my favourite band to me. I love you guys so much." I said and teared a little when Jack jumped off stage to hug me and Zack.

"Hey, what about us?!" Alex, Rian and Shyla appeared behind the door and walked to me. Soon I was crushed between all of them, as they all hugged me in a big hug.

"Naaahh Naahh Naaahh. This is just the beginning. I've still got a very big important announcement for you, Zabe. But since Shyla already knew the secret from the famous bubble burster Rian, your the only one who doesn't know." Jack let go of the hug and smugged.

"What secret?" I asked calmly. I hate secrets.

"Wait and see, babygirl." Alex whispered and they all started pushing me towards the big table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2012 ⏰

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