Chapter 5

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Zabe's POV

I was so full from eating all the pizzas I swear I couldn't walk properly. I usually don't eat that much, but thanks to Shyla and her persuasion of me getting too thin, I hate her for that. So we made arrangements on how to drive to Fernlight hotel from here. Not far, just 2 hours away.

But right now at 2am in the morning, 2 hours is alot of work. I definitely do not want to drive. But I couldn't leave my car here. So we decided Zack would drive my car while the others would take the tour bus. I wanted to be with Zack incase he wrecks my car, judging by how he nearly did back then.

So we jumped into the car as the guys showed Shyla to the rest of the tourbus. I suddenly realized what a bad decision I made. Me and Zack. Alone in a car. What the hell was I thinking?

As Zack pulled out of the driveway, he began tapping the steering wheel to Time bomb's Rhythm. I swear it was so awkwaaaaaaard being alone with him I couldnt breathe.

"Hey, chill. It's not like I'm gonna eat you or something. I just had pizza." Zack said and suddenly made a really weird face to himself. "Daamn, I ate too much pizza. Gotta work it out tonight before the photoshoot."

"I am chill, who say's I'm not? I'm perfectly calm. Just listening to the birds and sitting here. With you. Driving. Haah." I sighed. I am not doing the chilling act well.

"Well, first thing that shows your not chilled is that there are no birds chirping right now." He glanced at me and chuckled. Stupid me! Why the fuck did I say something so lame as listening to birds?! What the heck?!

"Second, you've been clutching your seatbelt eversince I drove out of the driveway."

I realized that too, I let them go and placed them lightly on my lap. How much more stupid can I get? Ughhh.

He laughed and the rest of the drive to the Hotel was in silence as I fell asleep shortly after we passed some blocks. Damnit, Zack's gonna have a hard time waking me up. I sleep like a log. I wandered into sleep soon after.

Shyla's POV

"Rian!!" I shouted for him as I ran through the tour bus searching for him. "Rian help me!! alex's gonna eat me alive!! Arrgghh!" I shouted like a little girl searching for her mummy.

We have been playing a really ridiculous game Jack made up about monsters eating little girls and Rian being the knight in shining armour. It was really really lame, but it was fun playing around with them. Rian grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into the small closet behind the tourbus and clossed the curtains to it.

The closet was so tiny. I doubt they even put their clothes here. I was pressed against Rian's chest as he hugged me closer. I guess he was taking the game too seriously. He really didn't want the monsters eating me.

I could hear Rian's heavy breathing as he peeked through the curtains.

"Are they gone?" I whispered as he closed the curtains again. 

"Yeaahh, I guess so." He whispered back and he looked directly into my eyes. He smiled.

Daaaaamn. His teethe are so white. Even in the dark! I couldn't stop staring at his teeth. His eyes. Damn it.

"BBOOOOOO!!" Alex and Jack screamed as they pulled the curtain open. I was startled, I can't believe I forgot about the game while staring at Rian. Rian seemed as shocked as me, but he wouldn't let me go.

Jack looked between me and Rian awkwardly and I realized Rian and I were really really close. Close enough to kiss.

Alex looked uncomfortable. Why is that so?

"Hey umm, the bus stopped. I guess we've reached. You guys can let go of each other now." Alex looked away and started finding his shoes.

I jerked backward and started finding mine too, leaving Rian in the mini closet. That was really really weird. I heard Jack chuckle as I passed him.

We all climbed out of the bus and found Zabe's car just parked beside us. Zack carried Zabe out in his arms bridal-styled towards us. Awww, that is so sweet!

"Zabe wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I woke her up. I guess she'll freak out if I carried her, but there's no way she's gonna fly into her room." He told us as he looked at her sound asleep. There was love in his eyes.

"Yeahh, she sleeps like a pig."  I chuckled and walked with them to the hotel reception. We checked in and got our room keys as the boys ushered us to our room. Our room was on the same floor as theirs! I couldn't stop smilling. 

The room was huge, but we're only staying here for a night. Bummer.

Zack landed Zabe on the king sized bed and put the covers on her. She moved a little but still didn't wake up. That is sooooo Zabe. 

The guys hugged me and walked to their room. Rian's hug was longer, and he gave me his piano-teeth smile before walking to his room. We said our goodnights and closed the door.

I went for the bed and laid down beside Zabe.

"Zabe, your the best friend anyone could ever ask for." I whispered to her, but ofcourse she couldn't hear me. "I love you, Zabe. And I think Rian likes me." I chuckled and fell asleep soon after. Too bad we didn't bring any clothes to change into for bed. 

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