Chapter 9

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Hey Guys!! Sorry for the late Chapter 9!! Me and Nicole are busy with school and stuff, so we didn't have the time to write. But I managed to squeeze this in for Chapter 9!! Hope you guys like it! Read on to find out how Alex feels!



ziie sliysha <3


Shyla's POV

Bri-locks.... Bri-locks... Where is it??

I drove for another 10mins till I found the shop. Well, oops. The shop's called Brick-forks. HAHA! Silly me. I parked the car and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant, while tweeting to Alex that the restaurant's called Brick-forks and not Bri-locks. Silly Silly Shy.

I walked into the place to find alex already sitting at a table for two. 

"Hey! Alex!" I walked towards him as he hugged me and pushed a seat for me. " I'm sorry I told you the name's Bri-locks! I couldn't remember! Anyway how did you find this place anyway??" 

"Haha! Cus theres this exact same restaurant somewhere in Nashville when I was there. I figured there was no Bri-locks when I googled them so eventually Brick-forks came out and I guessed that was close enough."  He smiled and waved for the waitress.

We took our orders and they came soon after. 

"Anyway, how does Zabe plan on promoting the book? Any ideas?" He took a bite out of his burger and left a small amount of ketchup on his mustache. Sooo cute.

I took a tissue and wiped it for him. "I dont know, didnt manage to ask her. She was still asleep, guess she fell asleep after she finished the last chapter. Haha! Anyway umm, what time does Rian usually wake up to?"

"Naahh, usually he wakes up 12hours after he sleeps. I'm guessing 3, judging by how late you guys talked till last night." Alex frowned and took a sip of his coffee. 

Ouch. I smell a tint of jealousy. 

"Umm anywaaayyy!! Zabe and I are going for gym at 1, you guys wanna come? Since Zack's the body builder and stuff. I assume you like the gym too?" 

"Haha! Not as much as Zack does, I'll pass. I gotta head out to town for awhile to get some errands done. I'll ask zack if he wants to join you guys though!"

"Sure!! That'll be so much fuuun!!" 

We finished out food and alex paid for it as we walked to Zabe's car.

"How'd you get here without a  car?" I asked curiously as I didnt see any carkeys on him.

"Ohhh, Matt gave me a lift cus apparently he was with me when I picked up your call. He's gonna pick me up now, I texted him 30mins ago."

Fair enough, I decided to wait for Matt with Alex as Alex and I sat beside the lake, cross legged.

"Shyla, can I ask you something?" Alex looked at me with eyes so beautiful I wanted to tear about.

I nodded and laughed, assuming this as something thats gonna turn out really funny.

"If you were given a chance, would you date me? Or be my girlfriend?" He took my hand and carefully caressed them.

"Ummm, why the sudden question Alex?" I asked nervously. Daamn those eyes of his.

"I dont know, I know we just met and all. But theres this thing about you, it just makes me... "

"Alex, this is so corny. I feel like I'm in a movie in HBO or something. Hahaha," I laughed, trying to shake the seriousness away.

"Shy, I'm serious. How do you feel about me?" He moved closer to me, lowering his voice. "Do I make your heart run miles?" He smiled at me as he began playing with the locks of my hair.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Do you think I like you?" He traced the corners of my eyes.


"That's when your wrong, I love you Shyla." He pushed my chin up with his finger and breathed into my face. We were inches apart.

"I feel strong feelings for you, Shyla. Call it love, but I guess it's stronger then love. Make sense?"

No. I could smell the mints in his breathe. Why the hell did they smell minty?  He just had a burger!!

"Alex..." I tried to look away but he just cupped my face in his hands.

We were really inches apart, I swear if I moved my lips they could be touching his. 

He made his mouth come at my lips..

They were so soft..

This is it.. 

We are gonna kiss.

In half a second, we are gonna kiss!!

Shyla K. Remaro is gonna kiss Alexander W. Gaskarth!!


Rian.. No. I cant kiss alex!!

A twig broke from behind Alex. I looked up to find Matt trying to do some ninja tiptoe but failed cus he broke a branch.What the fuck..

"Matt!!" I exclaimed and quickly stood up. "Your here! Alright umm, i should be going back now. Thanks for the breakfast, Alex! Yummy! haahaaa.. Anyway umm, Going back now! Seeya!" I tried to make it for my car but alex called out to me.

"Shy, wait!" I stopped and looked back. 

"Yeah?" Ohh please dont make this any more harder for me. so embarrassing infront of Matt!! 

He hesitated, carefully choosing his words.

"Dinner tonight with the band and crew, at the hotel cafe. Jack's got a big announcement to tell everyone. Figured you guys wanted to join too?" He asked solemnly.

"Sure, Zabe and I'll be there."

"Seeyou at 8 then." He and Matt began walking towards their car and I got into Zabe's as fast as I could. Rian. Rian. Rian!! I have to remember Rian. 

I drove out of the carpark and got on the road. I needed to sort out my feelings. I love Rian. I love Alex too. But not as much as I do to Rian. Ugghh what the hell is wrong with me.

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