My Gratitude ~ Levi x Injured Reader

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"O-Ouch" you whimpered as you limped down the dark and empty hallway. The sound of doctors and nurses running echoed throughout the large halls as faint cries could be heard in the distance. Everyone had just come back from an expedition outside the walls and the amount of casualties was phenomenal. You even staggered to find balance in your steps, tripping every few minutes.

You may not have had severe wounds that needed to be attended to immediately, but you certainly were hurt. While you were helping the left flank during the expedition a titan had knocked you off your feet, sending you flying off the ground. Despite your feeble attempts to land safely, it was still pretty rough. Your leg was the first to make contact with the ground, which is the reason why you have a sprained ankle right now. As you also managed to gain a cut from the impact that ran along your right shoulder blade, it hurt like hell but you didn't want to bother any of the doctors since there were many others cadets that needed more attention than you do.

You stared down the hallway with your bright (e/c) eyes, as you looked deep into the darkness of the endless hallway. With every step you took a new pain shot up in your leg making it more and more difficult for you to walk. A wave of dizziness washed over you causing you to slightly stumble to the side. You leaned on the strong and sturdy wall beside you for some support and let out a deep sigh. Exhaustion seemed to take over your body as you gently slid down the wall and laid on the ground. The lights that once brightened up the hallway became dimmer with each passing second, which soothed you into relaxation. You felt your eye lids get heavier, Just a few minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt... you thought as your eye lids slowly began to drop. You were about to fall into a deep slumber when the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, breaking you away from your drowsy state. The footsteps became louder with each step, making your heart race faster and faster in pure confusion.

Nobody ever comes down this hallway... so who would be coming by here now? You thought as the person seemed to finally be within meters distance. You were honestly too tired to even tilt your head up to see the person so you just waited until the feet of the stranger appeared in front of you, which happened a few seconds later.

"Cadet... what the hell do you think you're doing over here" called out a deep and obviously irritated voice. Just by the sounds of it you could tell it was Corporal Levi, so you gave him a sloppy salute and stared at his shoes. You were hoping that he would simply turn around and leave you there, but of course there's no way you would get out of this without thoroughly being punished or questioned.

"Cadet you didn't answer my question..." Levi said in a dangerously low tone. Your mind couldn't think of anything to say that would help you in this situation so you stayed silent. He was growing more and more irritated by your lack of response so he crouched down to your level and pulled your chin up rather roughly so that you were looking directly at his cold blue eyes. The gesture caught you in surprise as you unconsciously jumped back a bit into a wall. A pain shot through your back as you made impact with it, Levi seemed to notice this showing a bit of worry through his expressions.

"(F/n), are you hurt?" he asked questioningly staring into your own (e/c) orbs. Your eyes widened a tinge by his sudden question, you didn't want to be a burden on anyone, especially Levi. So you quickly pushed away his hand averting your gaze away from his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine Corporal, there's nothing you need to worry about.." You said cheerfully as you stood up trying not to show any hints of pain in your leg. You gave him a more proper salute this time, and then turned around to finally make your escape. You were slightly jogging, as you tried to get away from the Corporal as fast as you could, despite his attempts to get you back in his presence by angrily calling out your name. With every step a new found pain shot up into your leg, yet you still continued to jog away because suffering from the pain felt better than Levi being annoyed with you. You really did love Levi, even if he didn't feel the same way... the last thing you wanted was to be a burden on him. You started to jog faster as you heard footsteps rapidly approaching you from behind. Numbness started to engulf your foot, as the loss of feeling caused an imbalance in your step. You were stumbling as your jog soon turned into a full out sprint, yet the footsteps still seemed to be nearing you. Your sprained ankle throbbed in pain as your next step completely made your leg fall limp. You closed your eyes preparing for impact as you were falling towards the ground, but the contact never came. You fluttered your eyes open to see Levi panting by your side with a firm grip on your waist. He gently pulled you down to the ground, despite his bad mood and stared angrily into your eyes for a few moments. His gaze then slowly made its way to your foot, roughly grabbing it in a death like grip.

Levi x Reader One-Shots [ Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan Fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now