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It was around midnight and Spain somehow convinced Romano to sleep with him. Spain woke up, but he didn't know why, until he heard a crash. "Roma, did you hear that?" Spain said in a panicked voice, shaking the Italian who was sleeping next to him. "Hear what? You waking me up? Yeah, heard that bastard." Romano said annoyed trying to go back to sleep. "No, that crash!" Spain said still scared. Just after he said that, a loud thump could be heard down the hallway, making the walls shake a bit. This shocked Romano, now knowing that it wasn't Spain, since he was right next to him and there's no way he could've made a noise that loud from down the hallway. "Do you think someone broke in?" Romano asked slightly scared. "I don't know. Should we go check?" Spain asked looking at the bedroom door. "Are you crazy? That's how everyone in horror movies end up getting killed!" Romano whisper-shouted. "Then what do we do?!?!" Spain said looking back at Romano. Foot steps could be heard coming closer, and they both looked at the door in terror. "Closet. Get in the closet." Romano said pushing Spain to get off the bed. Spain nodded, and they both quickly crawled into the closet. They shut the door and went to the left corner. The closet was small, so there wasn't much room to get comfortable. They heard the bedroom door open, and their eyes widened while they covered their mouths to keep quiet. Light suddenly showed through the gap between the floor and the door. Just after the light turned on, another pair of foot steps could be heard entering the room. "There's two?!?!" They both thought. The foot steps could be heard coming closer to the door, but suddenly stopped, leaving a shadow that was visible through the space between the door and floor. The door opened, and two men were standing in front of the two who were holding each other in the corner. The two men were wearing black hoodies, black pants, and black boots, with a mask that looked like Jason Voorhees'. The one on the left took out a gun and pointed it at Spain and Romano. "Last words?" He said in a deep German accent, although the voice sounded fake. Spain and Romano didn't think about the accent, and they both looked at each other. "Te amo, Roma!" Spain shouted clinging onto the Italian. "Ti amo, España!" Romano shouted back, rapping his arms around the Spaniard. "Wait..." Romano said letting go pushing Spain off him, realizing that a few gun shots wouldn't be able to kill them. BANG! The gun was shot, but no bullet came out, there was only a small bit of smoke. Then, two familiar laughs could be heard from the two strangers, as they took their masks and hoods off only to reveal they were Prussia and France! "I knew it!" France said happily. "Kesesese! Did you see there faces? They were so scared!" Prussia said through his laughter. Spain relaxed and sighed of relief, as Romano looked at the two, who were laughing their asses off. He was angry, but still glad that it was someone they knew, and not actually strangers. "That was hilarious!" Prussia said after catching his breath. "Come on we should go. Romano looks angry." France said to Prussia. "Damn right I'm angry! You fucking woke me up just to pull some stupid prank!" Romano said getting out of the closet. "Shit. Go!" Prussia said. He and France ran out of the room, with Romano chasing them, followed by Spain walking out calmly. Prussia and France ran to the car they came in, and drove away. "Damn bastards." Romano said watching them from the opened front door. He shut it, and turned around to see Spain. "So, did you mean it? When we were in the closet?" Spain asked. "What do you mean? I wouldn't have said it then if I didn't mean it! How stupid are you?!" Romano replied still angry after what just happened. He realized what he said, and instantly regretted it. "Whatever, I'm going back to bed." Romano said walking back to the room. "Wait! I meant it too." Spain said back to Romano. Romano turned around, and walked back to Spain. "Roma?" Spain asked confused. Romano then suddenly pulled Spain's shirt, bringing the two into kiss. "Wha-" "Let's just go back to bed." Romano said cutting him off. They both went back to the room, and the rest of the night was peaceful.

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