Chapter Three - The Mentors

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  • Dedicated to Tobias Lister




Hey so i decided to put this up because the people at school were hassling me *cough* Kyle *cough cough* :P Anyway i hope you guys enjoy this next chapter, even though personally i think its really bad.


Chapter Three – The Mentors

Axel’s POV

“Oh, do you know what you’ve got into?

Can you handle what I’m about to do?

‘Cause it’s about to get rough for you,

I’m here for your entertainment.”

For Your Entertainment – Adam Lambert

I watch the world fly past, taking me further and further away from home. But I’ve let go of the place called District Four, forgotten about all my friends and family still there. All I need to concentrate on now is keeping me alive.

I see Raine, looking glum and try to smile. But in the back of my mind, I’m already trying to figure out how to kill him. He looks at me once, nods a greeting and disappears into one of the many rooms on our carriage. Good, probably best thing if we don’t talk. How can we try to remain friends if we know that one of us will have to die to ensure the others survival? We can’t.

Diamanté, the woman who drew the names at the Reaping soon follows, announcing that soon we will be stopping for fuel. After this we are all expected to gather for supper and a recap of the Reaping.

I walk to my room silently, ignoring the gazes of the attendants on the train. Everything is at my disposal here. My room is by far the richest place I’ve ever seen. I get a large bedroom and my own private bathing suite. Even a television. If there’s one good thing about being drawn today at the Reaping, it’s this.

I peel of my Reaping clothes and step into the shower. I’ve used one once before, after an accident at work. We’d been diving for oysters, only to resurface to find the ocean coated in an oil spill. They made us all shower together to get the oil off, and it was disgusting. I reeked of oil for the next couple of days. My dark blonde hair still hasn’t entirely grown back yet.

I pull on jeans and a dark grey shirt before I head off to dinner, only to find that I am the only one present. It’s a big dining area, but it won’t fit everyone surely. Carrick is the first to arrive and he gives me a weak grin as he takes a seat next to me. His eyes are rimmed red, he’s obviously been crying.

“Rough day?” I ask as more people begin to flood into the room. He nods, running a hand through his brown, almost black hair. “You could say that.” I smile slightly. At least he’s still able to joke around. More and more guys flood in, but no girls. It’s not surprising, I overhead Diamanté saying that the girls were to stay in a separate carriage for the duration of the trip, Capitol’s orders. It doesn’t make sense to me. No matter what, we’re still going to be trying to kill each other.

Raine arrives last and takes the seat across from Carrick and me. Then comes the food. The most elaborate dishes are set before us, most of it swimming in some sort of gravy. I take hold of a small fish and bite into it, immediately my mouth floods with a garlic sauce.

The food is so rich, but it’s wonderful. I eat as much as I can hold before leaning back in my seat, rubbing my stomach in satisfaction. I glance at Raine, only to find that he hasn’t eaten anything except a small roll. But even then, he’s barely taken a bite.

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