Chapter Two - The Reaping

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Chapter Two – The Reaping

Raine’s POV

"Jersey just got colder and

I'll have you know i'm scared to death."

Jersey - Mayday Parade

I bury my head in my hands. Why, out of all twelve districts in Panem, did it have to be mine? What if I get picked, or worse, my Ella does? An image of her lying on the ground bled white, flashes through my mind and I shudder. No, I won’t let that happen. If she goes in, I’m going in to protect her.

“You ok buddy?” My older brother Zale asks with a worried expression on his face. I nod, though it’s a lie. I’m not ok, and I never will be if mine or Ella’s name is drawn today. “Don’t worry, Raine. You won’t get picked.” My other brother Pat says and I nearly laugh. “That’s easy for you to say, you guys are both twenty now.”

They exchange a look. Well, it’s true. Pat and Zale are twins and are both too old to be entered into the Games. And my younger brother Wyatt is only two, so I’m the only the one being entered this year.

“It’ll be fine.” Mum calls from the kitchen. “Even if you do get drawn, you’ll have a good chance of winning. You’re good with a spear.” I nod, because this is true. Not about me winning, but about being good with a spear. All these years of fishing might pay off. I still won’t have a chance of winning though, not with all the Career tributes I’ll go up against if I’m drawn.

The Careers are tributes who volunteer for the Games and stick together to form an alliance. They’re often more well-fed and train for the Games all their lives. To them, winning is a big honour whereas I’ll only win to come back home.

“C’mon better get dressed now, the Reaping’s not that far away.” Zale says and I groan in frustration. I can’t believe the Capitol actually makes us celebrate the Hunger Games. They even make us wear fancy clothes.

At precisely two o’clock we gather in the middle of town. I glare at the banners of the Games hanging from shops as if they had teeth. The town square is one of the best places in District Four, and the banners just make the place seem grim.

We all sign in and each of my family members hug me before I head of into the section marked off for the sixteen year old boys. Tidus smiles at me as I walk past him and gives me thumbs up. I roll my eyes, only Tidus would look forward to an event like this.

“Hey Raine, over here!” I smile when I see my friends, but it soon fades. Axel, Vick, Carrick… What if they get drawn today? They notice my sombre expression and mirror it instantly. We’re all worried about the Games today.

The mayor takes the stage and begins relaying the information about the Dark Days to us. He then goes on to read out our list of victors etc. etc. Then Diamanté Burns, a woman with bright green hair from the Capitol takes the stage.

 “Happy Hunger Games!” she says in a high pitched voice. “May the odds be ever in your favour.” Two big glass bowls appear on stage, both filled with thousands of slips of paper.

“Ladies first!” Diamanté trills reaching into one of the bowls. I don’t even have time to think before she’s reading out the name on the slip.

“Isabella Shore.”

“No!”  I cry before slapping my hands over my mouth. Everyone turns to look at me, but one look from Axel all the boys turn back to face the stage. Thank god for Axel, most people are afraid of him.

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