Chapter 10: New Black

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"Shinichiiiii," Kaito whined. "What are we doingggggg?"

"Looking at the FBI obviously," he replied bluntly, the magician continuing to whine behind him non-stop.

Suddenly a blonde woman came up to them. Someone who Shinichi recognized. Where and how? Well, no idea. But he did know she was definitely important.

"Hello!," she said with a smile, pushing her glasses up slightly. "You must be Kudo Shinichi! Conan-kun has talked so much about you so I looked into you a bit more! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

"Y-yeah. Nice to meet you too..."
"Oh! I'm Jodie. Jodie Starling."
"Nice to meet you Ms.Jodie."

Kaito cleared his throat, reminding Shinichi that he was there.

"Oh. I wasn't aware that you had a twin brother," Jodie commented with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, no no Miss.Jodie," Kaito spoke up with a smile. "I'm not a brother of any sort. We are related in a very very different way," he said with a very sexual wink, earning himself a very sharp nudge in the rub that would have anyone else keeling over. "Don't deny it Shin-chan."

"O-oh," Jodie stuttered with a small laugh. "Well I heard that you got shot Shinichi-kun. Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes. I got discharged a bit early though because of a certain somebody," Shinichi replied, a sharp glare aimed at Kaito for a split second.

"It was out of good will," Kaito replied cheerfully, deflecting the glare nervously.

"Have you figured anything out?," Shinichi asked in a serious tone.

"It seems like it's one of our people so we got here to check out the scene. We checked the guns from our people already but no results came up, meaning this person is very good at their job." The woman sighed. "If only it was that simple to find them."

At this Kaito perked up.

"Jodie-san, please explain who 'they' are," Kaito said in a questioning tone. At this he noticed the blonde start to panic a bit at having slipped up. So 'they' could only be...

He leaned in and whispered in her ear the two words, 'black organization' in her ear and felt her blood freeze.

"N-no, of course not. They got taken out several months ago," she forcibly laughed.

"Ms.Jodie, please learn how to act better. You can't hide yourself in the eye of a magician," Kaito replied as if it was a threat and felt himself get tugged back by an annoyed Shinichi.

"Your making her uncomfortable you idiot," he said with a twitching eyebrow.

"But Shin-channnnn," Kaito whined and glomped on his could be brother. "We need to know this."

"Then we could go somewhere else and talk instead of having about all of the police stare at us," he said, saying the last part loud enough for everyone who was eavesdropping to hear. Everyone straightened up abruptly and got back to their work, some fumbling around with the stuff they dropped from being startled.

"Oh, sure," Jodie answered and led them away to a quiet spot on the street. "So, I assume you know about the Black Organization." The boys nodded their heads slightly. "Well, I'm not completely sure it's really them who did this, but it could be very possible," she said in a grim whisper. "Whenever you think you finally got rid of them, they come back with a bang."

"Do you have any idea who's in charge of the Organization as of now?," Shinichi asked in a low voice. He didn't know what knowing this would help with anything, but his mind was now filling up with unanswered questions, as if trying to make him a path down memory lane with them.

[KaiShin] The Detective Who Just Can't Rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن