"She's not answering." he said. "It's sending me straight to voicemail."

"Maybe her phone's just off?" Josh said dismissively still staring at Ray, amazed.

"Or maybe she was fucking jumped." Wrench snapped at him as he stepped aggressively towards Josh.

"Hey, hey, hey. Wrench." Marcus said stepping between them. "What's your problem?"

"My problem is that Kit could have been frickin' kidnapped and all of you are acting like it's nothing!"

"Calm down Wrench, yelling isn't gonna get anything done." Sitara hissed at him. "Let's check her last known location okay? Then maybe her apartment. Maybe her phone is just dead."

Josh stood up opening up a program on his computer."The Dedsec app pinged her location last twelve days ago." Josh said typing. "This can't be right, it should check every twenty minutes."

"She must have disabled the tracker." Horatio said. "Not the best move, but I can see why she'd want the privacy."

"Wrench, where are you going?" Marcus called as he rushed out the door.

"To find her."


It was almost 11 o'clock at night when the doors to the Hackerspace slid open. Everyone looked up as a very tired looking Kit walked in. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she rubbed her eyes as she made her way down the stairs.

"Hey, yo, Kit where you been?" Marcus called to her.

"I-" she started but was cut off.

"Yeah, Kit where have you been?" Wrench interrupted with a hiss. He crossed his arms glaring at her under his mask, the emoticons on his mask slash marks: \  /

"I just got into town." She replied meekly.

"I've-we've" he corrected. "Have called you like a hundred times why didn't you answer." Wrench interrogated with the same pissed off, clipped tone to his voice.

She reached into her pocket pulling out her smashed up phone. The glass was shatter in places down to the wiring and the metal seemed to bend nearly in half.

"Shit, what happened?" Marcus asked looking at her in alarm.

"Would you believe me if I said I tripped and fell?" Kit laughed darkly. Josh took the phone from her flipping it around to examine it. He walked over to Wrench's desk grabbing a screwdriver from a box of junk. He pried off what was left of the screen.

"Can you save what was on it?" Kit asked hopefully looking on.

"I don't know, Kit, it looks pretty smashed up." Josh said. "I could probably repair it, but not the data on it." Her face fell and she nodded.

"Thanks for trying." Josh handed her the phone that was really just a case holding scraps of metal at this point.

"Why didn't you save everything to the server?"  Horatio asked.

"The majority of stuff I did." Kit sighed. "But I still had some old pictures and stuff on there....it's alright." The look on her face said it was far from alright. But what was there left to do? She pulled the crushed remnants out of case dumping them into the trash with another heavy sigh. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm going to hit the hay." Kit waved weakly shoving the case into her pocket as she left.

"Wrench what are you doing?" Sitara asked watching him reach into the trash pulling out the broke up mother board.

"I've repaired shit more broken this before." He answered. "I've never done it with a phone before but might as well try."

New Kid On The Blockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें