I let out a small sneeze hoping no one noticed, but Grayson did. He pulled me away from his warm body to check my face. I knew my cheeks were flushed and I had tear tracks on my cheeks. Anger crossed through his eyes, but it left as fast as it came. I looked behind us to see Scott, Liam, Damian, and Ben trailing behind us. There was also 6 other girls with them. Putting two and two together I realized they were dating them. I recognized one of them being Jennifer. She was glaring at me. When my eyes met hers, her glare deepened. I turned away before I could look at the other girls.

   "Grayson you can put me down now," I said quietly with a sneeze accompanying it. His face turned to me and his grey eyes intensified.

   "No. You're sick and you just had a panic attack. You're stuck with me princess," He said with finality laced in his voice.

   "But-," I was about to say something when Liam yelled my name. He ran to me with his arms flailing everywhere.

   "My child! Are you okay?!" He yelled and started to fake cry.


   "What am I saying? You're obviously not fine." Then he started to mumble things I couldn't hear. I laughed at his goofy behavior. He smiled back at me. His right dimple popping out.

"There's that adorable smile," I blushed and looked up at Grayson. He had a small smile on his face. When we reached Grayson car, he finally let go.

"Thank you for saving me," I said softly smiling up at him in gratitude.

"You're welcome princess," he said brushed a curly strand of hair off my forehead. I looked behind him to see that everyone got in their respective car.

"You have a fever," he stated. His forehead was creased with worry. I didn't know what came over me, but I reached up and smoothed his forehead with my thumb. His face looked shocked, but then he smiled his beautiful smile.

"You have a beautiful smile,"I blurted out. My cheeks reddened and I scolded myself mentally.

"Why princess, you're ruining my manliness," he said in mock anger. I laughed at his behavior and he joined me.

"Hey lovebirds! I would like to go home!" Damian yelled, but he was smiling at us . I blushed and looked away. Grayson opened the door for me and I got in while muttering a small 'thank you'. I knew my fever was rising since my body felt uncomfortably warm and I was starting to feel delirious.

"John... Yeah... Can you meet me at my house?... thanks bro," I heard some of Grayson's conversation. After he finished, he drove away from school. I closed my eyes to stop the sudden dizziness.

   "Are you okay?" Grayson asked with worry and concern laced in his voice. He draped one of his warm hand on my knee and rubbed it in circles with his thumb.

   "Yeah, just a little headache," I whispered opening my eyes and looking at the Greek god right next to me. He briefly looked over at me before he turned his grey eyes back to the road. 

   "We're almost there," he said as he turned to a familiar road. I remembered walking down this road. As Grayson drove up the hill, I finally noticed how big his house was. It looked to be 3 stories high. There were massive pillars next to the front doors. The doors looked like the door of Oz except brown and fancier. There were tulips, roses, and many more flowers decorating the front of the house. Grayson chuckled at my surprised and dazed face.

   "Come on. Everyone's waiting for us." He walked over to my side and picked me up. I was grateful that he did because my head was spinning and I felt like going to sleep. I snuggled into his neck and sighed of the warmness Grayson provided. He walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell. My eyes were closed, but I knew that it was someone unfamiliar who answered it.

"Come on and place her on the sofa," a man said. Grayson walked into a place that looked like a living room and sat on a leather sofa with me on his lap.

"This is the doctor I was talking to. His name is John," Grayson whispered into my neck and placed several kisses around my neck. I blushed and giggled at his behavior. The doctor, John, came over to me and told me to put the thermometer under my tongue. I obliged and opened my mouth when a dinging noice came telling us it was done.

"Looks like you have the flu," he said while he pulled out a bottle of medicine.

"This won't cure it, but it'll help reduce it. Take it after you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I suggest lots of fluid and rest. I also don't recommend going to school tomorrow," he said handing the bottle of medicine to me. I nodded, taking in the information, but frowned at the same time. I didn't get to eat breakfast lunch, or dinner and I certainly wasn't going to stay home tomorrow. Who knows what Jeffery would do.

"Bye Joclyn. Hope you feel better. Bye bro. See ya soon," he said and walked out of the house. Grayson still didn't let me go and kept placing small kisses all over my neck and cheek. I giggled and tried to pull him off, but he bit me.

   "You bit me!" I exclaimed. Grayson only chuckled in response. Out of the blue, I let out a chain of sneezes.

   "Bless you," Grayson whispered into my ear.

   "Bless you!" Scott yelled from somewhere in the house. I full on laughed at him and responded with a 'thank you' to both of them. I laughed so hard that my wound on my back opened up. My eyes widened and I stopped laughing as I felt blood start to trickle down my back.

   "Umm I should go. Thank you for the help, but I have to get back." I said in a frantic tone. Grayson tightened his arms around my waist which only increased the pain.

   "What? No. You're staying here for tonight. I know you won't care for yourself so I am." He said. The pain became unbearable and I let out a small hiss that Grayson sadly heard.

   "What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice. I shook my head no, but he was persistent. I didn't want to say it, but I whispered out "my back". Grayson set me next to him and gingerly lifted my hoodie and shirt. I hung my head in shame knowing he saw all of my ugly revolting scars and probably didn't want me anymore. I closed my eyes to stop the tears and fisted my hands awaiting his response.

Let me start by saying that is the worst cliffhanger in history. Sorry, I wanted to update real soon so I just abruptly ended it. Second, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. Thank you thank you thank you times a million. You guys have supported me so much throughout my book. Thank you so much!!!!



Eat a whole box of pizza!


Love you guys!!!

His Princess !! DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now