Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late late update!

I died. OMG!! Here you guys go. Another chapter. I'm still open for covers. Feel free to message me them. P.S. This chapter is before Joclyn was saved. Hehe I want to savor the last chapter and I feel like this book is going to fast. Also, I'd like to tell you guys something that @Lighthouse60 pointed out. I completely forgot about so first off I would like to thank you. So basically remember how the orphanage was split into two separate sides. Keep that in mind for this coming chapter.

Please comment or tell me if I made any mistakes throughout this chapter.

Not edited

Grayson's POV

   I had just gotten off the phone with my mom saying to come over and have dinner at their house. I looked down at my bloody attire. My grey sweatpants and blue muscle shirt was sprinkled with droplets of blood. My gang and I had just came home from a bloody gun fight with a Canadian gang.

   We were invited over for a lunch meeting, but I told everyone to bring guns just incase something happened. I was right. The leader, Harry, had asked to take some of Michigan's land for their gang and I had refused. They probably knew I was going to say no so the next second everyone was out of their seat pointing a gun at each other.
Long story short, there's one less gang in Canada.

I quickly took a shower and dressed in jeans and a collared shirt. Hopping on my motorcycle, I drove the 10 minutes drive to my parents. The guards let me in and I parked my bike in the garage. My parents house was a mansion with a Victorian style pillars in front of the main doors. There was a small fountain with the Greek god Poseidon standing tall with his trident raised up proudly. My shoes slapped the marble porch as I made my way up the small flight of stairs. I already had the keys to the house so I didn't need to ring the doorbell.

"Mom! Dad! Anyone home?" I yelled, taking off my shoes and putting it in the closet. My mother was a clean freak and didn't want anyone ruining her carpet.

"In the kitchen!" My mom replied. To me, the house was too big for only 4 people living in it. It was only my mom, dad, and my dads parents. I would one day have to live in this house, too as it was a tradition to pass it down to the next generation.

When I finally reached the kitchen, I noticed my parents and Kevin and Grace seated around the kitchen table. My eyes still widened at Grace and Kevin. I knew that I was going to tell them about Joclyn today.

"So how did the search go?" I asked after I sat down across from Grace and next to my mother.

"We still can't find her. When we went to the orphanage, they had said that someone had adopted her already," Grace said as her eyes glazed over with tears.

"We have Ben working on it, but whoever took her is good at hiding their tracks," Kevin said holding his wife's hand. Everyone around the table looked exhausted so instead of worrying them, I thought I would tell them after we ate.

   "How's the shoulder honey?" My mom asked with a worried expression on her face.

   "It's healing nicely. It stopped bleeding and I don't need a gauze anymore. In a week it'll just be a scar," I replied giving her a reassuring smile. I looked down at my plate as the maids served us. I thanked them, smirking when one of them blushed.

   "How was the meeting with Harry?" My dad asked taking a sip of his water. My anger flared up and I gripped my spoon tighter.

   "He attacked on us when we declined," I said through my clenched teeth. My fathers eyes widened before they coated with a different emotion. He nodded and went back to eating.

   "Were there any casualties?" Asked Kevin.

   "Not on our side," I answered shortly. He too nods and went back to eating. The whole room was filled with echoing silence. I had a sudden urge to shout on the top of my lungs and tell everyone what I thought. I was opening my mouth to speak when my phone rang. Cursing, I looked down to see it was Liam. I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. I was about to start again, but was cut off again with Liam calling me.

   "You should answer it. It must be important," Grace said. I nodded and excused myself.

   "What?" I growled. On the other side I heard running and heavy breathing.

   "Bro, you have got to come home now." Before I could ask him anything he disconnected the call. I glared at the phone. Who did he think he was? Well, to be honest I do the same thing to them too. I made my way back to the kitchen.

   "I gotta go. Liam called me. Bye guys," I said, kissing my parents cheeks and waving to Grace and Kevin.







   "They've gone insane," whispered Scott. I had come home to see the boys hiding behind the couch. From what I've gathered, their girlfriends were angry at them, but I didn't know why.

   "What happened?" I whispered, kneeling down out of sight.

   "We were at a party and a group of girls came to us. They got jealous and stuff happened. We said some things. They said some things. Long story short, we're dying tonight," whispered Ben. All four girls were one of the nicest people in my gang, but you did not want to see their bad side. I chuckled at their fearful faces.

   "Violet! Emma! Sophia! Olivia! Look who I found!" I yelled and smirked when I saw the blood drain from their faces. A group of raging footsteps followed until all four ladies were standing in front of them. Scott, Liam, Damian, and Ben raised to their full heights.

   "We're sorry," they said in unison. The girls didn't move or say anything. Instead, they let out a battle cry and jumped on the boys. I bursted out laughing at their behavior. Scott, Liam, Damian, and Ben were all over 6'2" and were all muscle, but when it came to their girlfriends, they were putty in their hands. I sat on the couch chuckling, but stopped by a shrieking voice.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Jennifer said coming out in clothes that looked to tight for comfort. Her three minions followed, looking like and exact replica like her. The girls stopped what they were doing and glared at the sl*ts.

"Wow didn't think you actually slept. I thought you spent the night spreading your legs for everyone," Violet said, taking a step in front of Scott to block Amy's view.

"You b*tch!" Jennifer yelled. I winced at his high pitched it was.

"Calm down. Jennifer go back to your room. We'll stay quiet," I said calmly. Hearing my voice, Jennifer's whole demeanor changed. She went from being angry to looking 'seductive'. I just rolled my eyes at her behavior and turned the other way. I heard her huff and stomp back to her room.

"I'm about to hit the hay," I said trying to conceal my yawn.

"Take me with you," Liam "whispered". Emma smacked him on the back of his head.

"Ouch," he muttered, running where she hit him. She, in return, kisses his cheek and his whole face lit up. I smiled at their behavior and walked to my room.

As I got in my bed, my eyes widened. I forgot to tell them about Joclyn.

This is a sucky chapter. I know. I'm so sorry about not updating. There was school, drama, home problems. Everything was all over the place. I'm sooo sorry for not updating. I smiled so much reading all of you guys' comments. YOU GUYS ARE SOO SWEET!!!

*insert virtual hugs and kisses*



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His Princess !! DISCONTINUED !!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें