The Mystery Date

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"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask Draco after our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Draco grins back at me mischeviously, his newly dyed blue hair falling into his eyes. I reach up and comb it out of his face with my stubby fingers. 

"Not telling." Draco turns back, looking around the bustling hallway.

"C'mon!" I exclaim, "you've been bragging all week about how you have the best date planned and it's tonight now and you still haven't told me anything about it!" 

"Maybe I like it that way..." Draco says as he starts walking back down the hall. 

"Well, I don't." I pout, pushing my bottom lip out farther than my top. Draco looks down at me and bites his bottom lip. Strangely, I find it attractive, even though his hair is back to falling into his eyes. I reach up and kiss him on the lips. It's a soft, quick little kiss which leaves him wanting more. 

"Just meet me here tonight, Potter."

"What time?"

"Six thirty, not a minute more, not a minute less."

"Hmm..." I murmur. I give him one more quick kiss then scurry off back down the hallway and into the Potions classroom with Draco on my heels. 

"Late again.....Potter? Malfoy?" Snape glares at us. I slink over to my seat beside Hermione, who rolls her eyes at me. 

"Snogging in the hall?" she whispers. I shake my head.

"Date planning." 

"Potter...I'd prefer it didn't....disrupt the entire...class." 


"Sir," Snape adds rudely. 

"Sorry sir," I mutter under my breath, too distracted by Draco's piercing grey eyes to bother with a snarky comeback. Snape turns back to teaching and I turn back to my homework, which I had conveniently forgotten about doing before then.

"It's six twenty nine." Draco says. First I hear his voice, then I see his hair, then I see him. 

"So I'm one minute early." I grumble. 

"Bad mood?"

"Quidditch game next week and we had a bad practice earlier."

"Well, then this will cheer you right up!"

"Really?" I ask hopefully, if not also tiredly.

"Nope," Draco smiles sheepishly. I fake-punch him in the arm. 

"Can I know where we're going yet?"


"Okay." Draco leads me over to where the knight bus is supposed to pick us up. "Can't wait until I finally get a car," he tells me. 

"Me too. I want the freedom," I say as the knight bus pulls up. We board and Draco tells the driver where we're going in a hushed voice so I can't overhear. And goodness knows I tried.

Finally, we're parked outside some weirdly shaped building and Draco's telling me to get off. 

"Merlin's beard." My jaw literally drops when I see the sign. "No way. There is absolutely no way."

"Yes way." Draco urges me on inside.

"Nope. Not doing it." 

"You're doing it." Draco pulls the door closed behind him. "Potter and Malfoy."

"Excellent, let me know when you're ready." A clean-cut guy with glasses says at the front desk. He writes something down in his little notebook. 

"Here," Draco hands me a small book filled with pictures. I flip through it, a growing sense of dread in my chest beating me alive. 

"I'm not going through this." I tell him. 

"Yeah you are. I'm going to make you."

"I don't want this."

"You do." 

And it's weird. 

Because I really do. 

I just didn't know it.

"Ready," I sigh, telling the guy at the front desk. 

"Right this way." He leads me and Draco into a small room about the size of my old cupboard under the stairs. "Sit here." 

That's when the girl in the tank top and tattoo sleeve turned around, needles in both hands. "So what will you be getting today?" 

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