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I heard steady, soft breathing right above my face. Before I could open my eyes, I felt the softness of Draco's lips on mine.
"Mm." I open my eyes. I take in the sight of Draco, who is wearing a hat. "Why are you wearing a hat?" Draco never wears a hat. He's too worried about it messing up his perfectly gelled hair.

"I've got a surprise,and I don't think you're gonna like it." Draco pulls his face away from mine, allowing me to sit up on my bed. Oh yeah, did I mention he snuck into my dorm room?

"Why do you keep sneaking in here? You know that you could get in trouble." I warn him. Draco shrugs.

"Like I've never gotten in trouble before. Be realistic, Potter." Draco reaches up and pulls his hat off to reveal dyed dark blue hair.

"Merlins. Beard." I stare at the hair, reaching out to touch it. "DRACO WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"I knew you wouldn't like it."Draco mutters sadly, pulling his hat back over his hair.

"I love it- but it's so not you and your perfect hair."

"I needed a change."

"Well, you got it!" I grin at him. I lay back down on my bed and reach up to pull Draco's hat off again, playfully. Draco smiles his amazingly pearly white smile at me. I can still feel him smiling through the multiple little kisses he gives me on my jawline.

I pull away again, much to Draco's displeasure.

"What now, Potter?"

"Why are you calling me Potter again?" I ask him. "I had just gotten used to the Harry."

"It's a long story," Draco whispers into his hand.

I glance at the clock. "It's not like I have anywhere to be but with you."

Draco's cheeks turn the softest shade of pink, and it's so beautiful, like his face is the sunset.

"I just- I can't explain it. Everything's changed for Goyle, and it's all happening so fast, and he's. it used to us being friends, much less more than that, and he got really upset that I kept calling you Harry because Crabbes the reason why we always called you Potter in the first place-" I reached up to wipe the tears from Draco's eyes. He looked a little surprised, like he didn't even know he was crying until then, and I felt so bad for him. I kissed the spot where his tears had been falling.

"Hey, we're gonna get through this. And so's Goyle. It'll all be okay in the end."

"It wasn't okay for my parents," Draco whimpers. "How do you know it'll be okay for us?"

"The end is where the sunsets at. And aren't sunsets the most beautiful part of the day?"

I tell him this, but I fail to mention the most beautiful thing about sunsets: the fact that he is one.

Scared, Potter?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя