Movie Night

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"I can't believe you've never seen a Disney movie!" I exclaim as I stand over the stove, making popcorn. 

"Sorry!" Draco exclaims. We're at Malfoy Manor for Spring break, and I've been talking nonstop about Disney movies, since Draco claims to have never seen one. 

"Not even, like, Cinderella?" I ask. Draco shakes his head. "Snow White? Beauty and the Beast? Mulan? Nothing?"

"Nothing." Draco confirms. 

"That'll soon be changed." The popcorn is done popping and I take it off the stove. "C'mon, we're watching one."

"I thought you said they were meant for little kids." Draco protests.

"Merlins beard, Draco, anyone can watch them!" I declare. "We're going to watch one now!" 

I log onto my Netflix account and start scrolling through the movies on there. "Mulan is my favorite." I tell him. Draco puts the popcorn into a huge bowl and sits down on the couch. I start Mulan on the TV and we sit together eating popcorn. 

"Wait, why don't they look like normal people?" Draco asks about five seconds into the movie. I roll my eyes.

"It's animated. The people aren't real." 

"Oh." Draco falls silent. I lean my head on his shoulder and cross my legs over his. A few minutes later, Draco says, "what kind of magic is this?"

"They're muggles!" I cry, "it's a muggle production company! Almost every movie they make is a muggle movie!" 

"There aren't any that have magic?" Draco's eyes go wide. I laugh.

"Of course there are. Most of the princess movies do. This one doesn't because Mulan isn't a princess." 

"Oh." Draco becomes quiet again. We sit and watch the duration of the movie. Draco makes silly comments throughout the whole thing, which make me laugh and fall in love with him even more. When that movie is over, Draco asks if there are any others. 

"Yeah!" I answer enthusiastically. "How about another of my favorites? It's called The Emporer's New Groove, and it has magic in it! I think you'll love it." 

"Sounds good to me." Draco looks at the empty bowl of popcorn. "I'll get some more popcorn first."

"Actually," I say slyly, "wanna just order a pizza?"

"Ooh!" Draco licks his lips. "yeah!" So I call in for a pizza and we start the movie. 

Draco loves it; he laughs and smiles like a little kid on Christmas.

"You're so cute." I whisper to myself.

"What?" Draco asks. 

"Oh," Did I say that out loud? "Nothing, nothing. Let's just watch the movie." The pizza arrives about twenty minutes into the movie and we eat the pizza, watch the rest of the movie, and start another one. 

Too soon, it's one in the morning and both Draco and I are yawning. "Maybe we should just go to bed." I suggest.

"One more movie," Draco replies in between yawns. I laugh. 

"We can watch more tomorrow." I start cleaning up the room and doing the dishes. When I get back into the living room, Draco's fallen asleep. I gaze lovingly at his sleeping body before covering him up with a blanket and getting on the other side to sleep as well.

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