The Hogwarts Train Continued

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I sit in the compartment, trying to take in what just happened. I loved him. And he left. Literally, he walked out of the compartment and left me. What started as a single tear soon became five, then ten, then it was just pouring out of me. I sat there, silently crying, and trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Draco was gone. He wasn't mine anymore. I couldn't hug, kiss, or even talk to him. It was like the past six months had never happened. Like before, we were enemies. And I hated it. 

"No," I whispered, "I hate him." I forcefully wiped the remaining tears off my cheek. 

"Harry? Harry! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Hermione stops outside the train car, looking at me through the open door. "My goodness, what's happened to you?" She hurries in the car, shutting the door behind her. "Have you been here all alone the entire ride so far? Oh Harry, what's wrong?"

"He left." I answer, trying to sound angry but probably just sounding hurt.

"Oh." Hermione replies. She shakes her head, drops her suitcase onto the seat beside her, and sits next to me. "I'm so sorry, Harry." She pulls me into a hug.

I rest my head on her shoulder. "I loved him, Hermione. And he walked away. I thought we had everything." I shake my head and look her in the eyes. "I guess he didn't. I wasn't enough, Hermione, not for him."

"That's not true! If he walked away, he's the one who's wrong. He must be blind to have walked away from you."

"He didn't love me."

"I really thought he did." Hermione murmurs, mostly to herself, but seeing as we're so close, I can't help but hear it. 

"You did?" I ask hopefully. 

"Of course I did! Harry, he had to have loved you. The notes, the amortentia, the sweaters..." Hermione trailed off, looking down at the ground. "He told me he loved you."

"He told you?" I narrow my eyes. I know I sounded jealous then, but honestly? Why would he tell her and not me?

"Well, not directly. But...I overheard him talking about you. To himself. I was looking for Hagrid one night, and on the way I saw him at the Quidditch Pitch. He looked like he was alone, so...I watched him. And he was talking about you. To somebody, I'm not sure who...but they weren't there. Then, he said, 'I love him so much. I wish you could forgive me father.' Then I started thinking he was rehearsing a speech or something. So I walked away. I should have told you sooner Harry, but I-"

"He said that?" I interrupt. Inside, I was screaming: he was going to tell his father? That he loved me? He loved me?

Hermione nodded. 

"Well, he obviously doesn't anymore." I say bitterly. I push Hermione's arm off my shoulder and scowl. "And neither do I."

"Don't say that." Hermione tries to put her arm on my shoulder again but I shrug her off.

"He's the enemy now. He always has been the enemy, I guess. I don't know why I forgot that. It was my mistake. All of it. But now the mistake's over now...and the anger is back."

"Don't you think the childhood arguments with him should be over? We're adults now, Harry." Hermione reprimands me. I shake my head.

"No." I say firmly. "Draco is our enemy."

Hermione clearly doesn't believe me. She frowns at me, then sadly nods. "Whatever you say."

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