The Boy with Blue Eyes.

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"Pedophiles don't." Edward said taking a seat next to Sean. He wondered why Edward was here. He should be in school. Sean looked at the time. It read 3:15 pm. He really was here for a long time.

"Yes, they can. They just have to wear a shirt that says 'CHILD LOVER' on it." Sean said looking at all the little kids running around in the park. It made him miss his childhood.

Edward shook his head in a laugh. When he stopped laughing he laid back on the bench the two boys were sitting on and crossed his arms. "How's your brother doing?" He asked.

Sean raised an eyebrow. "What one?"


"I don't know. I haven't texted him. Normally if something is up he would text me."

"I would go check on him."

Sean's eyes widened with worry. "Why what happened?"

"Some kids were picking on him. As soon as I saw it i ran to stop it but they left before i could scream at them. He seemed very panicked."

Sean was already up on his feet, practically running to his house. "I'll go beat up the boys!" Sean heard Edward shout. He was glad Edward understood. 'Why didn't William tell me about this? I should have gone to that hell prison today.' Sean thought as he was running down the sidewalks.

When he finally got to his house he ran up the stairs and bursted through Williams door. He was greeted with a crying William. He was huddled into a ball in the corner of his bed where the wall was.

"Oh Willy." Sean said in a sad tone and sat next to his brother. He could tell that William was shaking. He knew that he wouldn't want to talk until he stopped crying so Sean sat and hugged his brother.

"Hey Sean what's th-" Jack stopped talking when he saw William. Jack gave a sad look to Sean and sat down next to William. Jack wasn't as comforting as Sean was but he still rubbed Williams back to let him know that he was still there for him.

After about an hour the boys heard the front door open and shut. Their mother was home. Sean looked at Jack and Jack nodded back in response. He got up off of Williams bed and left the room.

"Hey sweatheart, how was your day?" Their mom asked when she noticed Jack.

"Boring. How was yours?" Jack was supposed to be the distraction. William hated it when his mom got involved with his problems and his brothers knew that. The hard part of this job was to make sure she didn't go into Williams room.

"Fine. Just busy, like usual. Where are your brothers?" Just then the shower turned on and Sean came down the stairs. "Guess that answers my question."

"Hey mom." Sean said reaching behind her to get a cup.

"Hey Sean. How was your day." She asked knowing that he skipped today.

"Good." 'Untill about an hour and a half ago.' Sean thought.

"Didn't feel like going to school today?"

"Nope." Sean said popping the 'p'.


A couple hours had passed by. Jack and their mom was watching a movie in the living room while Sean was upstairs in his room staring up at his celling listening to music. There was a small knock at his door. Sean pulled one headphone out and looked at the door. "Come in." He said.

The door slowly revealed a very tired looking William. Sean didn't say a thing and sat upright. William slowly closed the door behind him, crawling on Sean's bed and cuddling Sean. Sean wrapped his arms around William and relaxed a little bit.

They stayed like that for a little while before William spoke up. "They called me a fag and said i was too old to be in high school." William whispered.

Sean was silent. He was silent with rage. How could someone hurt someone like that? They didn't know William's sexuality. For all they know William could be a secret irish spy on a mission to murder people who use the word 'fag'.

"Please don't do anything to them tomorrow." William added when he saw the stone face Sean had on.

"What? How can I not? They hurt the only thing that keeps me from running away from this hellhole." Sean said quickly. He shifted his body a little to look at William.

"It will only cause attention to us. I don't want that."

"Willy, you can't let them get away with this."

"Just for tomorrow." William said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Sean sighed. He looked up to William to see if he was serious. He was.

"Can you promise me something?"

"Depends on what it is?"

"Don't skip school again. Unless you have too."

"After today, I don't think anyone can convince me to skip." Sean said smiling a little bit. William smiled back. It was a weak smile but it was something.

"Thank you."


"Hey Sean! So about those boys yesterday. I couldn't manage to find one of them, who seemed to be the one who convinced the others to do it, but I did get to the two dumbasses who went along with it. Let's just say that those two wont be in school for a while." Edward explained as he and Sean walked down the school hallway to get to their class they shared together.

Sean smiled at that. "Thanks Edward. I would have done it myself but I had to take care of my brother."

"Not a problem dude. I totally understand. I may hate my brother but if anyone touched him they wouldn't live to see another day."

As the two boys were walking to 6th period something caught Sean's eye. He noticed the very familiar grey mess of hair walking with a sandy haired boy. The boy was wearing dark jeans and a blue leatherman's jacket. They were walking down the hall, clearly William was uncomfortable. He had a very scared look in his eye and kept his head down. Sean started walking towards the two boys. William and the random boy stopped walking, which made Sean slow his pase down. William brought his arms up in defense as he was being pushed up against the lockers. That set Sean off. The bell rang as that happened and the boy let go. He started to walk away but Sean was quicker. Sean pushed the boy with icey blue eyes up against the lockers right next to where William was leaning against them. Sean was just about to scream at the boy but William cut him off.

"Sean." He said quietly. Edward finally caught up to them. He went for William instead of the boy, which was okay since Sean had the boy. Edward held William's face to see if he was hurt in anyway. While he was doing that the boy magnaged to squrim his way outta Sean's grip. He bolted down the hall. Sean was going to go after him but a hand caught his arm. He looked back to see his brother silently pleading for him to stay. Once William knew that Sean was going to stay, he hugged Edward. Edward and Sean were both a little shocked by this simple action. William only ever hugged his brothers. Edward looked at Sean and Sean nodded in response. Edward slowly wrapped his arms around William, resting his chin on top of William's head.

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