Chapter 1 *The Art of Escaping*

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Kohaku's POV

I was walking through the forest, just finishing my last job, which was locating and stealing a scroll. I listened to the leaves crunch underneath my foot as I count up the money and put it away.

I sighed, it was still not enough for the information on the Kuro Kumo (Black Spider) from the information broker.

I took out a scroll that I just recieved, stating a new job for me, stealing a scroll. Great, another one.

The scroll was in some rouge ninjas' hideout, I quietly snuck into the place and searched the rooms. Laughter was heard down the hallway, and I quickly concealed my chakra while jumping up to the ceiling.

A pair of drunk guards came stumbling down the hallway with a large bottle of sake in their hands. While, a sober one was walking behind them.

"Hey," the drunken man hiccuped, "is there someone there?"

"What are you taking are you taking about? There are traps set up around the place," the third guard explain.

My hand was starting to slip from my grip on the wall, so I reached my hand up higher. Only to come into contact with some wires.


My hand triggered the trap and the alarms started to sound. Somehow, the drunken guards snapped out of their drunken state. The three men looked around, scanning for the intruder, until they looked up.... and their eyes landed on me.

I gave them a quick wave, dropped down, and started running.

"Hey! Stop right there!" they shouted.

Ha, as if losers.

I quickly made clones to hold them off, while I looked for the scroll. Running through the halls and up several flights of stairs, I spotted a big, fancy looking door.

Gee, I wonder if they keep important stuff in there, hm.

I opened the door, the room had a giant window and silk curtains, fancy rugs scattered around, expensive paintings on the wall, a desk stacked with papers, and a giant comfy chair behind it, a filing cabinet in the corner, and a chest full of money ($ . $).

I ran over and searched the desk, opened random drawers, scanned the papers, checked the cabinet, tested out the comfy chair, checked out the paintings, and took some money and quickly shoved it into my bag, shhhhh!

Besides that, I found no freaking scroll! And to top it off, my clones reported that a large group of guards were heading upstairs towards.... the room with the big, fancy doors. Frustrated, I punched the wall.

At this point, you're all thinking that the wall cracked and I made a hole in there, right?

Wrong! For some reason, the wall was still in perfect condition, and damn that hurt! It's like there's something big behind it....

Wait! I thought, What could they be hiding?

I set up paper bombs around the wall, along with some other dangerous explosives.


I could hear the rogues' feet pounding down the hallway.


I sent more clones to hold them off and and to barricade the door.


I braced myself for the explosion.


As the dust settled, I looked up and whistled, "Now that, is what I call art."

The explosion gave me a clear view of a hole in the wall and what was behind the wall, a safe. Well, actually, what's left of the safe. Most of it was burned....

However, there was a small chest that contained a bunch of scrolls.

Score! But, damn it, I don't have time to find the right one!

The guards were shouting an pounding on the door outside.

Time to go, I rushed into safe and grabbed the whole chest.

Scanning the room, I looked for a way out.

The sound of wood snapping sounded through out the room, behind the door were a bunch of rogues, panting, covered with cuts, bruises, and burned, but still armed with some sharp looking weapons.

I'd say my clones did a great job.

"There he is!" one of them pointed.

He? Oh wait, I have my hood up covering my face.

"Drop the box!"

"This? But I'm taking it with me when I escape."

"There's no where for you to run!"

"Oh really? There's the window," I pointed behind me.

"Yeah, and fall to your death," they snorted.

"Wanna bet?" I smirked and ran towards the window, crashing through it.

Feeling the wind against my face and gravity pushing me down, I looked towards the ground, almost there. I made a clone standing on the ground. As I was falling closer, my clone caught me and tossed me up into the air again. I did a few backwards flip before landing softly on my feet. Ta-da!

I turned around and shouted, "Looks like I win, losers!"

I laughed at their shocked expression, and I disappeared in a bang of fireworks.

Now that, my friend, is an art of escaping.


A couple hours later, I landed in the forest, taking a break under a tree.

Sorting through the chest, I found the right scroll for the client. I put that scroll into my pocket, and dumped the rest in my bag. I'll read those later, if I have some time.

I leaned my head back against the tree and closed my eyes, A quick nap sounds good.

Suddenly, a bunch of twigs snapped towards my right. I jumped up and got out my bow and arrow.

"Who's there?" I called out.

Two figures, an old man and a blond girl, stepped out from behind the trees.... Both were wearing straw hats and black cloaks with red clouds--Akatsuki.

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